Armiño Negro
Armiño negro is a 1953
1953 in film
The year 1953 in film involved some significant events.-Events:*September 16 — The Robe debuts as the first anamorphic, widescreen CinemaScope film.-Top grossing films : After theatrical re-issue- Awards :Academy Awards:A...

Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

 romantic film directed by Carlos Hugo Christensen
Carlos Hugo Christensen
Carlos Hugo Christensen was a major Argentine film director, screenwriter and film producer....

 and written by Rafael Maluenda and Pedro Juan Vignalle.


  • Enrique Abeledo
  • Roberto Escalada
    Roberto Escalada
    Roberto Escalada born Aldo Roberto Leggero was a major Argentine film actor and cinema icon of the classic era....

  • Gloria Ferrandiz
    Gloria Ferrandiz
    Gloria Ferrandiz was an Argentine actress of the classic Argentine cinema era. She starred in over 40 films, including the 1962 film Una Jaula no tiene secretos.-External links:. ....

  • Aurelia Ferrer
  • Nicolás Fregues
  • Ricardo Galache
  • Laura Hidalgo
  • Federico Mansilla
  • Bernardo Perrone
  • Néstor Zavarce
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