Ayer's Cliff Fair
Ayer's Cliff Fair is the common name for the Annual Exhibition of the Stanstead County Agricultural Society.

The first meeting of the Stanstead County Agricultural Society took place in 1845 and its main purpose was for farmers in the region to get together and exchange ideas on farming. Residents of this county would enter their farm animals and crops for competition. Meanwhile, the ladies would exhibit their cooking and hand-crafted work. From 1845 to 1872, the exhibitions were held at various locations in the county, but in 1872, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec
Ayer's Cliff, Quebec
Ayer's Cliff is a village on Lake Massawippi, near the mouth of the Tomifobia River, part of the Memphrémagog Regional County Municipality in the Eastern Townships region of Quebec located just north of the Vermont/Canada border....

became its permanent home.

The first three-day fair was held in 1913. At that time horse races were one of the attractions. Today the Ayer’s Cliff Fair has maintained the original events but has added various attractions such as: a midway (rides), musical shows and many arcade games with prizes. Families from far and wide come together to enjoy the excitement and camaraderie of this annual exhibition.
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