Battle of Sa'dah
The Battle of Sa'dah was a battle fought in March 2011 between al-Houthi
The Houthis Houthis) are a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as a "powerful clan," and by the title Ash-Shabab al-Muminin or Youthful Believers). The group takes its name from Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, their former commander, who was reportedly...

 insurgents and forces loyal to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh
Ali Abdullah Saleh
Field Marshal Ali Abdullah Saleh is the first President of the Republic of Yemen. Saleh previously served as President of the Yemen Arab Republic from 1978 until 1990, at which time he assumed the office of chairman of the Presidential Council of a post-unification Yemen. He is the...

 in the Northern town of Sa'dah.

Houthis attacked Sa'dah city on March 19, allegedly blowing up houses and inflicting heavy civilian casualties. This led to a heavy conflict with the al-Abdin tribes, led by pro-government Sheikh Uthman Mujalli, in which 45 people were killed and 13 houses were destroyed. Houthis then attacked the Telmus military site, overlooking the city and captured numerous machine guns, mortar shells, guns and tanks. Houthis prevailed in the fighting and burned down Sheikh Mujalli's house, destroying all his posessions and seizing sixteen cars. Sa'dah governor Taha Hajer then fled the province to Sana'a
-Districts:*Al Wahdah District*As Sabain District*Assafi'yah District*At Tahrir District*Ath'thaorah District*Az'zal District*Bani Al Harith District*Ma'ain District*Old City District*Shu'aub District-Old City:...

 and police deserted their posts, after which all the leaders of the Sa'dah army headquarters handed over their military equipment and bases to the Houthi group. By March 27 they were said to be fully in control of the town, running all the government facilities and control checkpoints and controlling all entrances to the city.

On Saturday March 26, Houthi field commander Abu Ali appointed Fares Mana'a
Fares Mana'a
Sheikh Fares Mohammed Mana'a is a top Yemeni arms-dealer, businessman rebel commander and politician. He is said to be Yemen's most famous arms-dealer...

, one of the Middle East's most prominent arms dealers and former ally to Saleh, as governor of Sa'dah. Mana'a broke with Saleh after he had been imprisoned by him for months in Sana'a and he resigned from the ruling GPC party to join forces with the Houthis along with several other prominent Sa'dah politicians. Houthis hereby declared a separate administration fully independent from the Government of Yemen, consisting of rebels, residents and defected military commanders.
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