Berugo Carámbula
Heber Hugo Carámbula, also known under the stage name
Stage name
A stage name, also called a showbiz name or screen name, is a pseudonym used by performers and entertainers such as actors, wrestlers, comedians, and musicians.-Motivation to use a stage name:...

 of Berugo Carámbula, is a Uruguay
Uruguay ,officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay,sometimes the Eastern Republic of Uruguay; ) is a country in the southeastern part of South America. It is home to some 3.5 million people, of whom 1.8 million live in the capital Montevideo and its metropolitan area...

an actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

, comedian
A comedian or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a fool, as in slapstick, or employing prop comedy...

 and TV host, born in Las Piedras
Las Piedras
Las Piedras may refer to:*Las Piedras, Puerto Rico*Las Piedras, Uruguay*Las Piedras, Venezuela...

 in 1945.


Berugo Carámbula started his career as a musician; in 1960 formed the jazz band "Crazy Clown Jazz Band". Later -already as a comedian- was part of the cast in the Uruguayan TV program Telecataplum, for which he became well-known in Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

, altogether with the other members of the cast: Ricardo Espalter, Eduardo D'Angelo, Enrique Almada, Andrés Redondo and Raymundo Soto, among others.

As an actor, Carámbula was an important member of several comedies on films, theatres and TV programs, and the TV series Son amores
Son Amores
Son amores was an Argentine telenovela originally broadcast between 2002-2003. It was produced by Pol-Ka Producciones & broadcast by Canal 13 in Argentina. Son amores was the most watched TV show in Argentina both in 2002 and in 2003....

. He was also hired as TV host of other programs, both in Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

 and Uruguay
Uruguay ,officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay,sometimes the Eastern Republic of Uruguay; ) is a country in the southeastern part of South America. It is home to some 3.5 million people, of whom 1.8 million live in the capital Montevideo and its metropolitan area...

. As a musician, he recorded in 1976 el the LP Solo de Guitarra, his only production as guitar concertist.

In 1988, Carámbula was awarded with the Martín Fierro Award as the best TV host for his work in Átrevase a Soñar (Dare to Dream).

In 2004, he was diagnosed Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system...

, what caused him to be out of TV and theatre for four years.

On 28 November 2008 the Departmental Board of Canelones
Canelones Department
The Canelones Department , with an area of and 485,240 inhabitants, is located to the south of Uruguay. Its capital is Canelones.-Geography and climate:...

 rendered a homage to Carámbula declaring him illustrious citizen of the departamento.


He is married with Adriana and has three children: Joaquín, Gabriel y María. His son Gabriel Carámbula inherited his musician skills; he was lead singer and main songwriter in the rock band Los Perros Calientes, and is currently pursuing a solo career. His daughter María Carámbula is an actress; in 2006 she played Julia Demont in the TV program Chiquititas
Chiquititas was a successful children's musical telenovela from Argentina. Created and produced by Cris Morena and her daughter Romina Yan, it aired on Telefé from 1995 until 2001 .There were two spin-offs: Rincón de Luz, aired in 2003 on Canal 9 and a 2006 season which aired in...

, and she currently is working in Herencia de amor.


  • Joven viuda y estanciera (1970)
  • Los irrompibles (1975)
  • La noche del hurto (1976)
  • Donde duermen dos... duermen tres (1979)
  • Cantaniño cuenta un cuento (1979)
  • Señora de nadie (1982)
  • Brigada explosiva (1986)
  • Brigada explosiva contra los ninjas (1986)
  • Los Bañeros más locos del mundo (1987)
  • Los matamonstruos en la mansión del terror (1987)

Television Programs

  • Telecataplum (1963)
  • Jaujarana (1969)
  • Hupumorpo (1974)
  • Supershow Infantil (1979)
  • Comicolor (1980)
  • El Club de Anteojito (1983)
  • Hiperhumor (1986)
  • Venga y Atrévase a soñar (1987)
  • Amo a Berugo (1991)
  • Todo al 9 (1991)
  • Clink! Caja (1996)
  • Jugar x jugar con Berugo (1999)
  • El Nieto de don Mateo (2000)
  • Hacete la América (2000)
  • Bien de bien (2000)
  • Son amores
    Son Amores
    Son amores was an Argentine telenovela originally broadcast between 2002-2003. It was produced by Pol-Ka Producciones & broadcast by Canal 13 in Argentina. Son amores was the most watched TV show in Argentina both in 2002 and in 2003....


External links

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