Brian D. Farrell
Brian Farrell is a professor of biology and curator in entomology at Harvard University
Harvard University
Harvard University is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, established in 1636 by the Massachusetts legislature. Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and the first corporation chartered in the country...

's Museum of Comparative Zoology
Museum of Comparative Zoology
The Museum of Comparative Zoology, full name "The Louis Agassiz Museum of Comparative Zoology", often abbreviated simply to "MCZ", is a zoology museum located on the grounds of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is one of three museums which collectively comprise the Harvard Museum...

. He is particularly interested in the evolution of ecological interactions between species of insects and plants, and is expert in beetle systematics. He also leads researchers, students and citizen scientists in documenting the arthropod diversity of Hispaniola and other Caribbean islands, as well as the Boston Harbor Islands National Park with the National Park Service.

External links

  • Lab homepage at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology
    Museum of Comparative Zoology
    The Museum of Comparative Zoology, full name "The Louis Agassiz Museum of Comparative Zoology", often abbreviated simply to "MCZ", is a zoology museum located on the grounds of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is one of three museums which collectively comprise the Harvard Museum...

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