C. Theo Yerian
C. Theo "Ted" Yerian, Ph.D., was Head of the Business Education
Business education
Business education involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and processes of business. Education in this field occurs at several levels, including secondary education and higher education or university education. Approximately 38% of student enroll in one or more business courses...

 and Secretarial Science Departments at Oregon State University
Oregon State University
Oregon State University is a coeducational, public research university located in Corvallis, Oregon, United States. The university offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees and a multitude of research opportunities. There are more than 200 academic degree programs offered through the...

 for more than 30 years. After retirement from OSU he became President of Educational Research Associates of Portland, Oregon. He held this position until his death in 1992.

During his career, Yerian was a principal founder of the Oregon Business Education Association, the Western Business Education Association, and the United Business Education Association, which later became the National Business Education Association. He was the only person to be President of the UBEA/NBEA twice.

Yerian is also the co-author of several books on Personal Shorthand
Personal Shorthand
Personal Shorthand, originally known as Briefhand in the 1950s, is a completely alphabetic shorthand.There are three basic categories of written shorthand. Best known are pure symbol shorthand systems...

, a writing system he helped develop.

External links

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