CHERUB: The General
The General is the tenth novel in the CHERUB
CHERUB is a series of young adult spy novels, written by the English author Robert Muchamore, focusing around a division of the British Security Service named CHERUB, which employs minors, predominantly orphans, as intelligence officers...

 series by Robert Muchamore
Robert Muchamore
Robert Kilgore Muchamore is an English author, most notable for writing the CHERUB and Henderson's Boys novels.-Prior to writing:...

. The primary action of the novel is set in the Nevada desert during a joint training exercise.

Plot summary

The book starts off before Christmas with James Adams
James Adams (character)
James Robert Anthony Adams is the main character of the CHERUB series by British author Robert Muchamore. He is a prominent part of all the First Series Cherub books: The Recruit, Class A, Maximum Security, The Killing, Divine Madness, Man Vs...

 taking part in a mass riot organized by the leader of the SAG (Street Action Group), Chris Bradford. He later acts as Bradford's bodyguard during a meeting with a gun supplier and successfully plants a surveillance device, only for the police to arrive unexpectedly and arrest everyone, aborting the mission.

Meanwhile his sister Lauren
Lauren Adams
Lauren Adams is one of the principal protagonists in the fictional book series CHERUB by British author Robert Muchamore and the sister of James Adams, the main protagonist...

 and some of the younger agents are sent to test the security of an air traffic control centre. They capture all the security guards and cause a lot of damage, but miss an engineer who calls in the RAF. The mission is still regarded as successful, having exposed security weaknesses.

On New Year's Day a select team of CHERUB agents including James and Lauren fly to Las Vegas for a brief vacation on the way to Fort Reagan, the world's largest urban warfare training compound. They are to take part in a two-week exercise along with forty British commandos, posing as insurgents in an area controlled by an American battalion - a thousand soldiers. Weapons are restricted to paint guns and grenades.

Under the leadership of the Ukrainian trainer Kazakov, who is bitterly anti-American, the 'insurgents' soon make their first move, knocking out aerial surveillance by wrecking the American spying drones. During this raid, James and the Sarge sneak into the army base to add a powerful laxative to the base's water system. Before long around nine-tenths of the American troops are disabled by violent diarrhoea.
The insurgents persuade some drunken students, posing as 'civilians' in the exercise, to join them in storming the base. At this point the American military leader General Shirley is "killed" (killed in the exercise means that you have to get yourself washed and come back in 24 hours) by a paint grenade dropped by Kevin Sumner. The Americans are overrun and suspend the exercise, after only two days.

Kazakov's tactics, though effective, are so controversial, that he and James are asked to leave before the exercise restarts. As they have some free time, Kazakov persuades James to put his mathematical skills to illegal use, playing blackjack in Las Vegas. Despite James almost being caught, they end up winning over $90,000.


An official competition was run by Robert Muchamore, where a signed copy of the book was promised to any reader who could supply him with the password of one of his forum staff members.

The novel was released on 7 August 2008 in Australia and NZ, and on 4 September 2008 in the UK.


The British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 cover for The General is two playing cards. One is the Jack of Hearts, with 2 bullet holes in it, and the other shows a red CHERUB logo.

As it was released in Edinburgh on 10 August, it was revealed that the cover was the two playing cards. It was also released in Australia on 7 August.


At the end of the book, Muchamore added the first 2 chapters of his new book - Henderson's Boys: The Escape
Henderson's Boys: The Escape
Henderson's Boys: The Escape is the first book in the Henderson's Boys book series by English author Robert Muchamore. It introduces some of the series' major characters such as Marc Kilgour, Charles Henderson, Paul Clarke and his sister Rosie Clarke....

for readers to preview.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.