Calle Jose De Diego (Mayagüez)
Calle José De Diego is a major thoroughfare in the western Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico , officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico , is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands.Puerto Rico comprises an...

A municipality is essentially an urban administrative division having corporate status and usually powers of self-government. It can also be used to mean the governing body of a municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district...

 of Mayagüez
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Mayagüez is the eighth-largest municipality of Puerto Rico. Originally founded as "Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria" it is also known as "La Sultana del Oeste" , "Ciudad de las Aguas Puras" , or "Ciudad del Mangó"...

. The street is oriented east-west with traffic running two-way drive with two lanes into downtown Mayagüez.

The street begins at Parque José De Diego and finish in dead-end aside PR-2 Highway. Is parallel with Mendez Vigo Street.

Alongside are located side entrances to the Hospital San Antonio and Hospital Perea, and some pubs.

History of the name

The street is named after José De Diego
José de Diego
José de Diego y Martínez , known as "The Father of the Puerto Rican Independence Movement", was a statesman, journalist, poet, lawyer, and advocate for Puerto Rico's independence from Spain and from the United States....

. Originally named Calle de la Rosa.
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