Cecil C. Steiner
Cecil C. Steiner was a dentist
A dentist, also known as a 'dental surgeon', is a doctor that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. The dentist's supporting team aides in providing oral health services...

 and one of Edward H. Angle
Edward Angle
Edward Hartley Angle was an American dentist, widely regarded as the father of modern orthodontics.Edward Angle is frequently described as "the father of modern orthodontics." He was trained as a dentist, but made orthodontics his speciality and dedicated his life to standardizing the teaching...

's first students in 1921.

He developed a form of cephalometric analysis
Cephalometric analysis
Cephalometric analysis is the study of the dental and skeletal relationships in the head. It is frequently used by dentists, often orthodontists in particular, as a treatment planning tool....

, presented in 1953, referred to as the Steiner method of analysis.


  • 1968 Albert H. Ketcham Memorial Award from the American Board of Orthodontics
  • 1978 Distinguished Honor Scroll, Charles H. Tweed International Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education
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