Chasse, Pêche, Nature, Traditions
Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition is an agrarianist
Agrarianism has two common meanings. The first meaning refers to a social philosophy or political philosophy which values rural society as superior to urban society, the independent farmer as superior to the paid worker, and sees farming as a way of life that can shape the ideal social values...

The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 political party
Political party
A political party is a political organization that typically seeks to influence government policy, usually by nominating their own candidates and trying to seat them in political office. Parties participate in electoral campaigns, educational outreach or protest actions...

 which aims to defend the traditional values of rural France. Its current leader is Frédéric Nihous
Frédéric Nihous
Frédéric Nihous is a French politician from the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions party. He was a candidate for the 2007 French presidential election, but was eliminated in the first round of balloting...

. The party states it is neither right or left but represents rural people on the whole in their diversity.

The party is a member of the Presidential Majority of Nicolas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy is the 23rd and current President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. He assumed the office on 16 May 2007 after defeating the Socialist Party candidate Ségolène Royal 10 days earlier....



Formed in 1989, it contested both the European elections of 1989 and 1994 without success. In 1999, it obtained six seats, led by Jean Saint-Josse
Jean Saint-Josse
Jean Saint-Josse is a French politician and former member of the Rally for the Republic , he is currently the leader of the ruralist Hunt, Fish, Nature, Traditions party....

 who was at the top of the list. It lost all representation at the following election to the European Parliament in 2004, when it obtained less than the minimum 3% of votes that allow a party to be reimbursed for campaign expenses. Consequently, it faced a deficit of 300,000 euros. At one stage, it had 32 regional councillors, but lost all of them in that same year. After these problems, most members of the CPNT have joined the Union for a Popular Movement
Union for a Popular Movement
The Union for a Popular Movement is a centre-right political party in France, and one of the two major contemporary political parties in the country along with the center-left Socialist Party...

 (UMP) or the Movement for France
Movement for France
The Movement for France , abbreviated to MPF, is a French conservative and eurosceptic political party, founded on 20 November 1994, with a marked regional stronghold in the Vendée. It is led by Philippe de Villiers, once communications minister under Jacques Chirac.The party is considered...

, but the party is still in existence, and nominated Frédéric Nihous
Frédéric Nihous
Frédéric Nihous is a French politician from the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions party. He was a candidate for the 2007 French presidential election, but was eliminated in the first round of balloting...

, a hunter from Northern France, as a candidate in the Presidential election of 2007
French presidential election, 2007
The 2007 French presidential election, the ninth of the Fifth French Republic was held to elect the successor to Jacques Chirac as president of France for a five-year term.The winner, decided on 5 and 6 May 2007, was Nicolas Sarkozy...

. Nihous won 1.15% of votes only, much lower than Jean Saint-Josse
Jean Saint-Josse
Jean Saint-Josse is a French politician and former member of the Rally for the Republic , he is currently the leader of the ruralist Hunt, Fish, Nature, Traditions party....

 in 2002.

In the 2009 European Parliament election
European Parliament election, 2009 (France)
European elections to elect 72 French Members of the European Parliament were held on Sunday 7 June 2009.Due to the entry of Romania and Bulgaria in the European Union in 2007, the number of seats allocated to France was revised from 78 seats to 72 seats, a loss of 6 seats...

, the party ran as the junior partner of the Movement for France
Movement for France
The Movement for France , abbreviated to MPF, is a French conservative and eurosceptic political party, founded on 20 November 1994, with a marked regional stronghold in the Vendée. It is led by Philippe de Villiers, once communications minister under Jacques Chirac.The party is considered...

 under the etiquette of the Libertas political movement led by Irish businessman Declan Ganley
Declan Ganley
Declan James Ganley is a British-born Irish citizen, entrepreneur, businessman and political activist. He is founder and chairman of a political party, Libertas with pan-European ambitions...

. They won 4.8% of the vote, but only one seat, that of MPF leader Philippe de Villiers
Philippe de Villiers
Viscount Philippe Le Jolis de Villiers de Saintignon, known as Philippe de Villiers, born on 25 March 1949, is a French politician. He was the Mouvement pour la France nominee for the French presidential election of 2007. He received 2.23% of the vote, putting him in sixth place. As only the top...


In August 2009, CPNT President Frédéric Nihous announced interest in joining the Liaison Committee for the Presidential Majority
Liaison Committee for the Presidential Majority
The Liaison Committee for the Presidential Majority is a structure initiated by Nicolas Sarkozy to coordinate the political parties that support his action....

, which co-ordinates the parties which support the policies of President Nicolas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy is the 23rd and current President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. He assumed the office on 16 May 2007 after defeating the Socialist Party candidate Ségolène Royal 10 days earlier....



  • André Goustat (1989–1998)
  • Jean Saint-Josse
    Jean Saint-Josse
    Jean Saint-Josse is a French politician and former member of the Rally for the Republic , he is currently the leader of the ruralist Hunt, Fish, Nature, Traditions party....

  • Frédéric Nihous
    Frédéric Nihous
    Frédéric Nihous is a French politician from the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions party. He was a candidate for the 2007 French presidential election, but was eliminated in the first round of balloting...


Popular support and electoral record

CPNT is strong, for obvious reasons, in certain rural areas of France with an important community of hunters. It is strong in the Somme River
Somme River
The Somme is a river in Picardy, northern France. The name Somme comes from a Celtic word meaning tranquility. The department Somme was named after this river....

 estuary to the west of Abbeville
Abbeville is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Location:Abbeville is located on the Somme River, from its modern mouth in the English Channel, and northwest of Amiens...

, in the Manche
Manche is a French department in Normandy named after La Manche , which is the French name for the English Channel.- History :Manche is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on March 4, 1790...

 department and the Gironde
For the Revolutionary party, see Girondists.Gironde is a common name for the Gironde estuary, where the mouths of the Garonne and Dordogne rivers merge, and for a department in the Aquitaine region situated in southwest France.-History:...

 department. In the 1999 European election, CPNT won 25% of the vote in the Somme
Somme is a department of France, located in the north of the country and named after the Somme river. It is part of the Picardy region of France....

, 15.4% in the Manche, 15.2% in the Landes department and 11.9% in Gironde. In stark contrast, the party barely won 1% of the vote that year in the Alsatian department of Bas-Rhin
Bas-Rhin is a department of France. The name means "Lower Rhine". It is the more populous and densely populated of the two departments of the Alsace region, with 1,079,013 inhabitants in 2006.- History :...

 and did poorly in the east of France, much more industrialized and much less agrarian.

CPNT has three general councillors: one in the Somme, one in Gironde and one in the Hérault department.


President of the French Republic
President of the French Republic
The President of the French Republic colloquially referred to in English as the President of France, is France's elected Head of State....

Election year Candidate # of 1st round votes % of 1st round vote # of 2nd round votes % of 2nd round vote
French presidential election, 2002
The 2002 French presidential election consisted of a first round election on 21 April 2002, and a runoff election between the top two candidates on 5 May 2002. This presidential contest attracted a greater than usual amount of international attention because of Le Pen's unexpected appearance in...

Jean Saint-Josse
Jean Saint-Josse
Jean Saint-Josse is a French politician and former member of the Rally for the Republic , he is currently the leader of the ruralist Hunt, Fish, Nature, Traditions party....

1,204,863 4.23%
French presidential election, 2007
The 2007 French presidential election, the ninth of the Fifth French Republic was held to elect the successor to Jacques Chirac as president of France for a five-year term.The winner, decided on 5 and 6 May 2007, was Nicolas Sarkozy...

Frédéric Nihous
Frédéric Nihous
Frédéric Nihous is a French politician from the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions party. He was a candidate for the 2007 French presidential election, but was eliminated in the first round of balloting...

420,645 1.15%


French National Assembly
French National Assembly
The French National Assembly is the lower house of the bicameral Parliament of France under the Fifth Republic. The upper house is the Senate ....

Election year # of 1st round votes % of 1st round vote # of 2nd round votes % of 2nd round vote # of seats
French legislative election, 2002
-12th Assembly by Parliamentary Group:...

422,448 1.67% 0
French legislative election, 2007
The French legislative elections took place on 10 June and 17 June 2007 to elect the 13th National Assembly of the Fifth Republic, a few weeks after the French presidential election run-off on 6 May. 7,639 candidates stood for 577 seats, including France's overseas possessions...

213,427 0.82% 0

European Parliament

European Parliament
European Parliament
The European Parliament is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union . Together with the Council of the European Union and the Commission, it exercises the legislative function of the EU and it has been described as one of the most powerful legislatures in the world...

Election year # of votes % of overall vote # of seats won
European Parliament election, 1989 (France)
On 15 June 1989 the third direct elections to the European Parliament were held in the France. Six lists were able to win seats: an alliance of the centre right Union for French Democracy and the Gaullist Rally for the Republic, an alliance of the Socialist Party and the PRG, the French Communist...

749,741 4.13% 0
European Parliament election, 1994 (France)
On 12 June 1994 the fourth direct elections to the European Parliament were held in the France. Six lists were able to win seats: an alliance of the centre-right Union for French Democracy and the Gaullist Rally for the Republic, the Socialist Party, the Left Radical Party, the French Communist...

771,061 3.96% 0
European Parliament election, 1999 (France)
On 13 June 1999 the fifth direct elections to the European Parliament were held in the France. Once again, abstention was very high for this type of election- only 47% of eligible voters voted...

1,195,727 6.77% 6
European Parliament election, 2004 (France)
Elections to the European Parliament were held in France on 13 June 2004. The opposition Socialist Party made substantial gains, although this was mainly at the expense of minor parties...

297,389 1.73% 0
European Parliament election, 2009 (France)
European elections to elect 72 French Members of the European Parliament were held on Sunday 7 June 2009.Due to the entry of Romania and Bulgaria in the European Union in 2007, the number of seats allocated to France was revised from 78 seats to 72 seats, a loss of 6 seats...

826,357 4.80% 0

External links

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