everyone in the world.
The game begins with a presidential briefing in the White House
concerning Yuri and how he has begun his take over of the world through mind control.
Zofia: We have escaped into the past, Comrade General. But I'm afraid that our superiorly selected engineers have increased the efficiency of the American Power Plants too much! We have arrived more than 65 million years in the past. Stand by, while we attempt another time-shift.
Eva: (on a mission in Hollywood) It looks like Yuri's got the studio filming another dinosaur movie. He's not very creative, is he?
Eva: And I thought the Brute was bad! Yuri calls this thing a Mastermind. It's basically a big brain on wheels that mind controls everything that gets near it. DON'T get near it.
Carville: (a Floating Disk has been spotted for the first time) Holy cow... Commander, we've got some kind of UFO on radar! Either if it's an alien invasion or Yuri's been watching too much TV, watch yourself.