De Garengeot's hernia
De Garengeot's hernia
A hernia is the protrusion of an organ or the fascia of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. A hiatal hernia occurs when the stomach protrudes into the mediastinum through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm....

 is a rare subtype of an incarcerated femoral hernia
Femoral hernia
A hernia is caused by the protrusion of a viscus through a weakness in the containing wall. This weakness may be inherent, as in the case of inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias. On the other hand, the weakness may be caused by surgical incision through the muscles of the abdominal/thoracic wall...

. This eponym may be used to describe the incarceration of the vermiform appendix
Vermiform appendix
The appendix is a blind-ended tube connected to the cecum , from which it develops embryologically. The cecum is a pouchlike structure of the colon...

 within a femoral hernia
Femoral hernia
A hernia is caused by the protrusion of a viscus through a weakness in the containing wall. This weakness may be inherent, as in the case of inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias. On the other hand, the weakness may be caused by surgical incision through the muscles of the abdominal/thoracic wall...


Akopian and Alexander, named this hernia after the 18th century Parisian surgeon Rene Jacques Croissant de Garengeot. He is quoted in the surgical literature as the first to describe this situation in 1731. (Although the surgeon's full last name is Croissant de Garengeot, for linguistic convenience it has been suggested to abbreviate this eponym to "de Garengeot".).

Similar as with the situation of an Amyand's hernia
Amyand's hernia
Amyand's hernia is a rare form of inguinal hernia which occurs when the appendix is included in the hernial sac and becomes incarcerated. The condition is an eponymous disease named after an English surgeon, Claudius Amyand , who performed the first successful appendectomy in 1735.Amyand's hernia...

, the true nature of the incarcerated tissue is rarely diagnosed preoperatively. Patients present clinically similar to other incarcerated femoral herniae. Treatment consists of an appendicectomy
An appendectomy is the surgical removal of the vermiform appendix. This procedure is normally performed as an emergency procedure, when the patient is suffering from acute appendicitis...

 and hernia repair. Laparoscopic options are described.

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