Destination: Universe!
Destination: Universe! is the second collection of science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 short stories
Short Stories
Short Stories may refer to:*A plural for Short story*Short Stories , an American pulp magazine published from 1890-1959*Short Stories, a 1954 collection by O. E...

 by A. E. van Vogt
A. E. van Vogt
Alfred Elton van Vogt was a Canadian-born science fiction author regarded by some as one of the most popular and complex science fiction writers of the mid-twentieth century: the "Golden Age" of the genre....

, published in hardcover
A hardcover, hardback or hardbound is a book bound with rigid protective covers...

 by Pellegrini & Cudahy in 1952, and repeatedly reprinted in paperback, by three different publishers, over the next 25 years. The first British edition appeared in 1953, followed by several paperback reprints. A French translation, Destination Univers, was issued in 1973 and reprinted four times over the next two decades.


  • "Far Centaurus" (Astounding 1944)
  • "The Monster" (Astounding 1948)
  • "Dormant" (Startling Stories
    Startling Stories
    Startling Stories was an American pulp science fiction magazine, published from 1939 to 1955 by Standard Magazines. It was initially edited by Mort Weisinger, who was also the editor of Thrilling Wonder Stories, Standard's other science fiction title. Startling ran a lead novel in every issue;...

  • "Enchanted Village" (Other Worlds
    Other Worlds (magazine)
    Other Worlds Science Stories was an American science fiction magazine, edited by Raymond A. Palmer with Bea Mahaffey. It was published by Palmer's Clark Publishing in Evanston, Illinois beginning in the late 1940s...

  • "A Can of Paint" (Astounding 1944)
  • "Defense" (Avon Fantasy Reader
    Avon Fantasy Reader
    Avon Fantasy Reader was a magazine which reprinted science fiction and fantasy literature by now well known authors.-Writers:...

  • "The Rulers" (Astounding 1944)
  • "Dear Pen Pal" (The Arkham Sampler
    The Arkham Sampler
    The Arkham Sampler was an American fantasy and horror fiction magazine first published in Winter 1948. The magazine, edited by August Derleth, was the first of two magazines published by Arkham House. The cover design was prepared by Ronald Clyne and was printed in alternating colors for the eight...

  • "The Sound" (Astounding 1950)
  • "The Search" (Astounding 1943)


P. Schuyler Miller
P. Schuyler Miller
Peter Schuyler Miller was an American science fiction writer and critic.-Life:Miller was raised in New York's Mohawk Valley, which led to a life-long interest in the Iroquois Indians. He pursued this as an amateur archaeologist and a member of the New York State Archaeological Association.He...

reviewed the collection favorably, singling out "Far Centaurus" as "unforgettable and unforgotten."
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