Disappearance of Dominik Takács
Dominik Takács was a two year-old Hungarian
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

 boy who was reported missing on August 3, 2007 by his mother, in the Danube's Margaret Island
Margaret Island
Margaret Island is a long island, 500 metres wide, in the middle of the Danube in central Budapest, Hungary. It belongs administratively to the 13th district. The island is mostly covered by landscape parks, and is a popular recreational area. Its medieval ruins are reminders of its importance...

 in central Budapest
Budapest is the capital of Hungary. As the largest city of Hungary, it is the country's principal political, cultural, commercial, industrial, and transportation centre. In 2011, Budapest had 1,733,685 inhabitants, down from its 1989 peak of 2,113,645 due to suburbanization. The Budapest Commuter...

. The father told the police that his son might have been kidnapped in an act of revenge. Pictures of the boy dominated Hungarian media for several weeks. On October 12, 2007, the mother admitted that her child had been attacked by their own dogs and she and Dominik's father buried the body in a field some 1.5 km from the family's home, about 50 km southeast of Budapest. Subsequently, the Hungarian police discovered the body of the two year-old boy, who in August 2007 had been killed by his parents' dogs bred for fighting.
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