Eloïne Barry
Eloïne Barry is currently Executive Director of the African Press Organization
African Press Organization
Based in Dakar , the African Press Organization - APO is the leading press release wire in Africa, and the global leader in media relations related to Africa....


Eloïne Barry came to the African Press Organization after serving five years as Media Relations Team Leader at PR Newswire
PR Newswire
PR Newswire started out in 1954 as a vendor hired by companies and agencies to send out text press releases to the media. Today, PR Newswire is hired by corporations, public relations firms and non-governmental organizations to deliver news and multimedia content...

, the global leader in news and information distribution services for professional communicators.

Guinean-born Eloïne Barry holds diplomas from the French School for Press Officers & Professional Communicators (EFAP), and from the School of Translation and International Relations - Catholic University of Lyon - France (UCLy).

Based in Dakar (Senegal), the African Press Organization - APO (in French "Organisation de la Presse Africaine") is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) specialized in media relations in or related to Africa.

APO is the global leader in media relation services in or related to Africa and partners notably with PR Newswire
PR Newswire
PR Newswire started out in 1954 as a vendor hired by companies and agencies to send out text press releases to the media. Today, PR Newswire is hired by corporations, public relations firms and non-governmental organizations to deliver news and multimedia content...

, LexisNexis
LexisNexis Group is a company providing computer-assisted legal research services. In 2006 it had the world's largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information...

, Dow Jones Factiva
Factiva is a business information and research tool owned by Dow Jones & Company. Factiva aggregates content from both licensed and free sources, and provides organizations with search, alerting, dissemination, and other information management capabilities...

, Comtex, Afrik-News.com, Afrik.com, A24Media.com, Starafrica.com, Afribiz.info, and BurellesLuce.

APO owns a media database of 25,000 contacts and is the most trusted and important Africa-related news online community.

The African Press Organization has concluded a Headquarters Agreement with the Republic of Senegal
Senegal , officially the Republic of Senegal , is a country in western Africa. It owes its name to the Sénégal River that borders it to the east and north...

and has a Regional office in Europe, located in Lausanne (Switzerland), and offices in Mumbai, India.
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