Enrique Felipe de Guzmán, 2nd Count-Duke of Olivares
Enrique Felipe de Guzmán, 2nd Count-Duke of Olivares was the illegitimate son of Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares
Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares
Don Gaspar de Guzmán y Pimentel Ribera y Velasco de Tovar, Count-Duke of Olivares and Duke of San Lúcar la Mayor , was a Spanish royal favourite of Philip IV and minister. As prime minister from 1621 to 1643, he over-exerted Spain in foreign affairs and unsuccessfully attempted domestic reform...

, who was legitimated in 1642 and who inherited the title of Count-Duke of Olivares.

His mother was his father's mistress, Isabel de Anversa, and he was initially named Julian. In 1626, Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares' daughter, the Marchioness of Heliche, and his favorite nephew both died. It was widely believed at court that Olivares' heir would be his remaining nephew, Luis de Haro
Luis de Haro
Luis Méndez de Haro, 6th Marquis of Carpio, Grandee of Spain, , , was a Spanish nobleman, political figure and general....

, but in 1642, Olivares decided to legitimize his son, who was consequently re-christened Enrique Felipe de Guzmán. This decision infuriated the Queen of Spain, Elisabeth of France, who believed that Olivares' precedent led to Philip IV of Spain
Philip IV of Spain
Philip IV was King of Spain between 1621 and 1665, sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands, and King of Portugal until 1640...

's decision to legitimize his bastard son, John of Austria the Younger
John of Austria the Younger
John of Austria was a Spanish general and political figure. He was the only natural son of Philip IV of Spain to be acknowledged by the King and trained for military command and political administration...


He married Juana Fernández de Velasco and together the couple had a son, Gaspar Felipe de Guzmán.
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