Enrique Sánchez Abulí
Enrique Sánchez Abulí is a Spanish comics
Comics denotes a hybrid medium having verbal side of its vocabulary tightly tied to its visual side in order to convey narrative or information only, the latter in case of non-fiction comics, seeking synergy by using both visual and verbal side in...

Comic book creator
A comic book creator is someone who creates a comic book or graphic novel.The production of a comic book by one of the major comic book companies in the U.S...

, well known for his participation in the Spanish comics
Spanish comics
See also List of Spanish comicsSpanish comics are the comics of Spain and they are among the most important comics traditions in Europe. Comics in Spain are usually called tebeos, historietas or cómics.-Origin and definition:...

 industry. His most famous work is the darkly comical gangster
A gangster is a criminal who is a member of a gang. Some gangs are considered to be part of organized crime. Gangsters are also called mobsters, a term derived from mob and the suffix -ster....

 comics saga Torpedo
Torpedo (comics)
Torpedo, or Torpedo 1936, is a Spanish comics series written by Enrique Sánchez Abulí and drawn by Jordi Bernet, which depicts the adventures of the antagonistic character Luca Torelli, a heartless hitman, and his sidekick Rascal, in context of the violent organized crime culture of New York during...

in collaboration with Jordi Bernet
Jordi Bernet
Jordi Bernet Cussó is a Spanish comics artist, best known for the gangster comics series Torpedo and Jonah Hex.-Career:He was born in Barcelona, the son of a Spanish comic book artist, Miguel Bernet....



Abulí was born in Palau-del-Vidre
Palau-del-Vidre is a commune in the Pyrénées-Orientales department in southern France.-References:*...

, in France.

Having tried in a number of professions in various locations in the world, Abulí began his career as a translator and writer of comics in Spain in the early 1980s. With the influential publisher Josep Toutain, Abulí collaborated with the veteran artist Alex Toth
Alex Toth
Alexander Toth was an American professional cartoonist active from the 1940s through the 1980s. Toth's work began in the American comic book industry, but is known for his animation designs for Hanna-Barbera throughout the 1960s and 1970s. His work included Super Friends, Space Ghost, The...

 to conceive Torpedo 1936. The relationship was short-lived, as Toth withdrew from the project due to creative differences in 1981. He was replaced by the artist Jordi Bernet which started a very productive working relationship and resulted in a long series. Torpedo achieved popular international success, an Angoulême International Comics Festival
Angoulême International Comics Festival
The Angoulême International Comics Festival is the largest comics festival in Europe. It has occurred every year since 1974 in Angoulême, France, in the month of January.The four-day festival is notable for awarding several prestigious prizes in cartooning...

 award, and eventually a dedicated comics magazine of its own named Luca Torelli es Torpedo in 1991.

Later collaborations with Bernet include De vuelta a casa, La naturaleza de la bestia: Ab Irato and Snake: por un punado de dolares. He has also published work with artists such as Marcelo Perez, Oswal, Christian Rossi, Darko Perovic and Riff Reb's.


  • 1986: Angoulême
    Angoulême International Comics Festival
    The Angoulême International Comics Festival is the largest comics festival in Europe. It has occurred every year since 1974 in Angoulême, France, in the month of January.The four-day festival is notable for awarding several prestigious prizes in cartooning...

     Best Foreign Album Award for Torpedo: Chaud devant
  • 1994: Nominated for the Harvey Award
    Harvey Award
    The Harvey Awards, named for writer-artist Harvey Kurtzman and founded by Gary Groth, President of the publisher Fantagraphics, are given for achievement in comic books. The Harveys were created as part of a successor to the Kirby Awards which were discontinued after 1987.The Harvey Awards are...

     for Best American Edition of Foreign Material for Torpedo
  • 1995: Nominated for the Harvey Award for Best American Edition of Foreign Material for Torpedo


External links

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