Ercole dell'Abate
Ercole dell'Abate or dell'Abbate, the eldest son of Giulio Camillo dell' Abbate, and grandson of Niccolo
Niccolò dell'Abbate
Nicolò dell' Abate, sometimes Niccolò, was an Italian painter and decorator. He was of the Emilian school, and was part of the staff of artists called the School of Fontainebleau that introduced the Italianate Renaissance to France.-Biography:Niccolò dell'Abbate was born in Modena, the son of a...

, was born at Modena
Modena is a city and comune on the south side of the Po Valley, in the Province of Modena in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy....

 about the year 1563. He possessed an extraordinary genius for the arts, which he disgraced by the depravity and intemperance of his conduct. Like most artists of that
character, his works were the productions of negligence and haste. He painted, in concurrence with Bartolommeo Schedone
Bartolomeo Schedoni
Bartolomeo Schedoni was an Italian early Baroque painter from Reggio Emilia.-Biography:He was born in Modena, but moved to Parma with his father. Soon he was sent to be apprenticed under Federico Zuccari in Rome after 1598, with the sponsorship of Ranuccio I Farnese, Duke of Parma. He soon...

, some pictures representing scenes in the Life of Hercules, in the Council-hall at Modena. He died at Modena in 1618. The Modena Gallery
Galleria Estense
The Galleria Estense or Estense Gallery is an art museum in Modena, with mainly Italian and Spanish paintings from the 14th to the 18th century, formed around the collection of the House of Este, rulers of Modena . It is located on the upper floor of the Palazzo dei Musei, on the St. Augustine...

 has three works by this artist— an 'Annunciation,' a 'Presentation in the Temple,' and a 'Birth of St. John the Baptist.' A 'Marriage of the Virgin,' in the same gallery, is by some attributed to Ercole dell' Abbate, and by others to his son, Pietro Paolo, the younger.
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