French ship Maillé Brézé
Three ships of the French Navy
French Navy
The French Navy, officially the Marine nationale and often called La Royale is the maritime arm of the French military. It includes a full range of fighting vessels, from patrol boats to a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and 10 nuclear-powered submarines, four of which are capable of launching...

 have born the name Brézé or Maillé Brézé in honour of admiral Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé
Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé
Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé was a French admiral.He was born in Milly-le-Meugon, in one of the most powerful French families of the time; his father was Urbain de Maillé-Brézé, marquis de Brézé, Marshal of France, his uncle Cardinal Richelieu, King Louis XIII's renowned minister, and his...

  • 46-gun ship of the line
    Ship of the line
    A ship of the line was a type of naval warship constructed from the 17th through the mid-19th century to take part in the naval tactic known as the line of battle, in which two columns of opposing warships would manoeuvre to bring the greatest weight of broadside guns to bear...

     Brézé (1646-1665)
  • Maillé-Brézé
    French destroyer Maillé Brézé (1933)
    The Maillé Brézé was a Vauquelin class destroyer of the French Navy lost in an accidental explosion during World War II.On 30 April 1940, at 14:15, as Maillé Brézé was anchored at the Tail of the Bank off Greenock, a torpedo tube misfunctioned and launched an armed torpedo on the deck, setting fire...

     (named Brézé until January 1931), a Vauquelin class destroyer
    Vauquelin class destroyer
    The Vauquelin-class large destroyers of the French navy were laid down in 1930 and commissioned in 1931. They were very similar to the previous Aigle class, the only difference being a single extra torpedo tube....

     destroyed in the accidental explosion of one of her torpedoes on 30 April 1940 in Greenock
    Greenock is a town and administrative centre in the Inverclyde council area in United Kingdom, and a former burgh within the historic county of Renfrewshire, located in the west central Lowlands of Scotland...

  • Maillé-Brézé
    Maillé-Brézé (D627)
    Maillé-Brézé is a of the French Navy. She was built by Arsenal de Lorient in Lorient, commissioned on 4 May 1957 and named after the French admiral Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé ....

     (D627), T 47 class destroyer
    T 47 class destroyer
    The T 47 class were the first destroyers built for the French Navy after the Second World War. Twelve ships were built between 1955 and 1957. The ships were modernised in the 1960s and decommissioned in the 1980s when they were replaced by Georges Leygues-class frigatesThese ships were larger than...

    , presently a museum

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