Fédération des Eclaireurs Scouts Centrafricains
The Central African Republic
Central African Republic
The Central African Republic , is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It borders Chad in the north, Sudan in the north east, South Sudan in the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo in the south, and Cameroon in the west. The CAR covers a land area of about ,...

 is one of 29 countries where Scouting
Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society....

 exists (be it embryonic or widespread) but where there is no National Scout Organization which is a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement
World Organization of the Scout Movement
The World Organization of the Scout Movement is the Non-governmental international organization which governs most national Scout Organizations, with 31 million members. WOSM was established in 1920, and has its headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland...

 at the present time. Scouting was founded in French Equatorial Africa
French Equatorial Africa
French Equatorial Africa or the AEF was the federation of French colonial possessions in Middle Africa, extending northwards from the Congo River to the Sahara Desert.-History:...

 in 1941, and was first recognized in 1969. The Fédération du scoutisme centrafricain, or FESCA, is the national federation of seven Scouting organizations. While FESCA was still recognized in 1990, there were 7,000 Scouts, and total membership at the end of 1998 was reported as being the same number.

The Federation was suspended from WOSM membership in 1999 due to non-payment of membership fees
A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup.Traditionally, professionals in Great Britain received a fee in contradistinction to a payment, salary, or wage, and would often use guineas rather than pounds as units of account...



Among the members of the federation are
  • the Association des scouts catholiques centrafricains (Association of Catholic Central African Scouts), founded in 1961, coeducational
  • the Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs Centrafricains (Central African Scouts and Guides), interreligious, coeducational
  • the Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses Unionistes Centrafricains (Central African Protestant Scouts and Guides), coeducational

Program and ideals

  • Louveteaux (Cub Scouts) - ages 6 to 11
  • Scouts — ages 12 to 17
  • Routiers (Rover Scouts
    Rover Scouts
    Rover Scouting is a service division of Scouting for young men, and in most countries, women. A group of Rovers, analogous to a Scout troop, is called a 'Crew.'...

    ) - ages 17 and up

The Scout Motto is Toujours Prêt, Always Prepared in French.

The Scout emblem incorporates the color scheme of the flag of the Central African Republic
Flag of the Central African Republic
The flag of the Central African Republic was adopted on December 1, 1958. It was designed by Barthélemy Boganda, the first president of the autonomous territory of Oubangui-Chari, who believed that "France and Africa must march together." Thus he combined the blue, white and red of the French...

, superimposed on a map of the country.

See also

  • Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique
    Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique
    The Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique is the national Guiding organization of the Central African Republic. It serves 19,497 members...

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