Gay Men's Chorus of San Diego
The Gay Men's Chorus of San Diego (GMCSD), was an organization of gay male performers, their friends, family, and those who supported GMCSD's mission. GMCSD was founded in the early 1990s. The mission of The Gay Men's Chorus of San Diego was to express dedication to musical excellence by producing high quality choral performances, as well as to actively support and promote the gay community as goodwill ambassadors through music. GMCSD was a member of the Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses
GALA Choruses
The Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses is an international association of LGBT choruses founded in 1982. Its goal is to foster artistic and organizational development within its member choruses. The association includes almost 10,000 vocalists in over 100 associated choruses singing as...

 (GALA) and the San Diego Performing Arts League.


The Gay Men's Chorus of San Diego was a non-profit organization
Non-profit organization
Nonprofit organization is neither a legal nor technical definition but generally refers to an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals, rather than distributing them as profit or dividends...

 that operated under the umbrella of Finest City Performing Arts, Inc. It was composed of 80-100 singers, with the number of participants fluctuating throughout the year. At the beginning of every season the group hosted an event called "Info Night" welcoming men who wished to sing with the chorus. During Info Night, Prospective singers underwent a simple audition process.
GMCSD was managed by a Board of Directors composed of elected directors and community members. Elections were held each year during the Spring Concert period.


GMCSD was a self-identified "gay" chorus that was incorporated January 1993 in San Diego, and began rehearsing in the Great Hall of the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul on 5th Avenue, under the artistic direction of Gary Holt.

The End of a Legacy

In January 2010, The Gay Men's Chorus of San Diego formally merged with The San Diego Men's Chorus, forming a new performing arts entity titled the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus. Each of the two 'legacy' choruses participated under their separate names in a joint holiday concert at San Diego's Balboa Theatre in December 2009. Subsequently, they have been performing as a combined unit under the new name, with artistic direction by Gary Holt, and a combined total of about a hundred and twenty voices, making it one of the ten largest vocal ensembles in the GALA Choruses organization.

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