Guy A.S. Wingate
Dr. Guy A.S. Wingate is Chair of International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering's GAMP Forum who are responsible for developing Good Automated Manufacturing Practice
Good Automated Manufacturing Practice
Good Automated Manufacturing Practice is a trademark of the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering . The ISPE's guide The Good Automated Manufacturing Practice Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacture describes a set of principles and procedures that...

 guidance. Dr Wingate founded Supplier Forum with support of UK Government Department of Trade and Industry in 1995. Supplier Forum was later incorporated into GAMP Forum. Dr Wingate became chair of GAMP Industry Board in 1999 and chair of GAMP Global Council in 2001. He led the task teams responsible for developing the internationally renowned GAMP5 Guide 'Risk Based Approach to GxP Compliant Computerised Systems' and accompanying GAMP Good Practice Guide 'Risk Based Approach to Electronic Records and Signatures'. Dr Wingate has been a Visiting Lecturer at University of Manchester
University of Manchester
The University of Manchester is a public research university located in Manchester, United Kingdom. It is a "red brick" university and a member of the Russell Group of research-intensive British universities and the N8 Group...

's MSc Course on Pharmaceutical Advanced Engineering for last 10 years. Dr Wingate is the author of three best selling books on computer validation published by CRC Press
CRC Press
The CRC Press, LLC is a publishing group which specializes in producing technical books. While many of their books relate to engineering, science and mathematics, their scope also includes books on business, forensics and information technology...

and is a Member of the ISPE International Board of Directors.
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