Gérald Bastard
Gérald Bastard is an highly-cited
ISI highly cited researcher
ISI Highly Cited is a database of "highly cited researchers"—scientific researchers whose publications are most often cited in academic journals over the past decade, published by the Institute for Scientific Information...

 French physicist
A physicist is a scientist who studies or practices physics. Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena in many branches of physics spanning all length scales: from sub-atomic particles of which all ordinary matter is made to the behavior of the material Universe as a whole...

 known for his work on semiconductor
A semiconductor is a material with electrical conductivity due to electron flow intermediate in magnitude between that of a conductor and an insulator. This means a conductivity roughly in the range of 103 to 10−8 siemens per centimeter...

 heterostructures. , he is a research director at the Department of Physics of the Ecole Normale Supérieure
École Normale Supérieure
The École normale supérieure is one of the most prestigious French grandes écoles...

 in Paris.

In 2000, Bastard and Emilio E. Mendez won the International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors
Quantum Device Award "for pioneering work on electric-field induced optic effects in quantum well
Quantum well
A quantum well is a potential well with only discrete energy values.One technology to create quantization is to confine particles, which were originally free to move in three dimensions, to two dimensions, forcing them to occupy a planar region...

s and superlattice
Superlattice is a periodic structure of layers of two materials. Typically, the thickness of one layer is several nanometers.- Discovery :Superlattices were discovered early in the 20th century through their special X-ray diffraction patterns....

s (quantum-confined Stark effect
Quantum-confined Stark effect
The quantum-confined Stark effect describes the effect of an external electric field upon the light absorption spectrum or emission spectrum of a quantum well . In the absence of an external electric field, electrons and holes within the quantum well may only occupy states within a discrete set...

 and Wannier–Stark localization)".

External links

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