Gösta Hammarlund
Gösta Hammarlund was a Norwegian illustrator and journalist. He was born in Sweden, the son of ship owner Thomas Fredrik Olsen
Thomas Fredrik Olsen (born 1857)
Thomas Fredrik Olsen was a Norwegian businessman and ship owner of Fred. Olsen & Co.Thomas Fredrik Olsen Thomas Fredrik Olsen(15 October 1857- 29 January 1933) was a Norwegian businessman and ship owner of Fred. Olsen & Co.Thomas Fredrik Olsen Thomas Fredrik Olsen(15 October 1857- 29 January 1933)...

. He worked in the shipping business and in his father's company until 1937. He started working for the newspaper Dagbladet
Dagbladet is Norway's second largest tabloid newspaper, and the third largest newspaper overall with a circulation of 105,255 copies in 2009, 18,128 papers less than in 2008. The editor in chief is Lars Helle....

in 1940, and eventually had his own daily "corner" in the newspaper. Among his books are the novel Møte med fru Brontze from 1939 and Berømte elskovspar from 1951. He illustrated several books by other writers. He was awarded the Narvesen Prize
Narvesen Prize
The Narvesen Prize was a Norwegian prize for those who excelled in journalism. It was established in 1954 by the company Narvesen, but the Norwegian Press Association was behind the selection of winners...

in 1955.
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