Hamidüddin Aksarayî
Hamidüddin Aksarayî better known by his sobriquet
A sobriquet is a nickname, sometimes assumed, but often given by another. It is usually a familiar name, distinct from a pseudonym assumed as a disguise, but a nickname which is familiar enough such that it can be used in place of a real name without the need of explanation...

 Somuncu Baba, was an ascetic teacher of Islam
Islam . The most common are and .   : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...

 in Bursa, Turkey
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...

, who exerted extensive influence and is known as a Muslim saint. He taught at the Ulu Camii (The Great Mosque) where he was installed by Sultan Bayezid I
Bayezid I
Bayezid I was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, from 1389 to 1402. He was the son of Murad I and Valide Sultan Gülçiçek Hatun.-Biography:Bayezid was born in Edirne and spent his youth in Bursa, where he received a high-level education...

 after it was completed. Somuncu Baba's students included Molla Fenari and Hacı Bayram-ı Veli
Haci Bayram-i Veli
Hacı Bayram-ı Veli was an Turkish poet, a Sufi, and the founder of the Bayrami Sufi sect. He also composed a number of hymns.- His early life :...

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