Henderson's Boys: The Escape
Henderson's Boys: The Escape is the first book in the Henderson's Boys
Henderson's Boys
Henderson's Boys is a series of young adult spy novels written by English author Robert Muchamore. The series follows Charles Henderson, the creator of the fictitious CHERUB organisation...

 book series by English
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

 author Robert Muchamore
Robert Muchamore
Robert Kilgore Muchamore is an English author, most notable for writing the CHERUB and Henderson's Boys novels.-Prior to writing:...

. It introduces some of the series' major characters such as Marc Kilgour
Marc Kilgour
Marc Kilgour is a fictional character from the Henderson's Boys series of books by Robert Muchamore. He was born in France not long before the Second World War. He was found by Charles Henderson and helped him to foil the German Invasion of Britain....

, Charles Henderson
Charles Henderson (character)
Charles Henderson is a fictional character from the Henderson's Boys Series by English author, Robert Muchamore. He is the founder of CHERUB. He is a member of the obscure branch of Naval intelligence known as Espionage Research Unit...

, Paul Clarke
Paul Clarke (character)
Paul Clarke is a fictional character from the Henderson's Boys Series by Robert Muchamore. His mother died before the Second World War and his father died whilst carrying valuable radio blueprints for the British Secret Service.- Background and early life :...

 and his sister Rosie Clarke.

Plot summary

Paul and Rosie Clarke are attempting to flee France with their father, when he is killed for some blueprints. Paul and Rosie escape with the blueprints and attempt to find passage to England. Charles Henderson, an English spy, is ordered to find them and assist them before the Germans can capture the blueprints. In order to do so, he enlists the help of Marc Kilgour, a runaway French orphan.

See also

  • Henderson's Boys
    Henderson's Boys
    Henderson's Boys is a series of young adult spy novels written by English author Robert Muchamore. The series follows Charles Henderson, the creator of the fictitious CHERUB organisation...

  • List of Henderson's Boys characters
  • Robert Muchamore
    Robert Muchamore
    Robert Kilgore Muchamore is an English author, most notable for writing the CHERUB and Henderson's Boys novels.-Prior to writing:...

    CHERUB is a series of young adult spy novels, written by the English author Robert Muchamore, focusing around a division of the British Security Service named CHERUB, which employs minors, predominantly orphans, as intelligence officers...

External links

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