Holtsås is a village in Sauherad
Sauherad is a municipality in Telemark county, Norway. It is part of the traditional region of Midt-Telemark. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Akkerhaugen...

 municipality, Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...

. It is located between Hjuksebø
Hjuksebø is a village in Sauherad municipality, Norway. It is located between Notodden and Nordagutu, just south of Hjuksevelta.Hjuksebø used to have a train station on the Sørlandsbanen railway...

 and Nordagutu
Nordagutu is a village in the municipality of Sauherad, Norway. Its population is 367.Nordagutu train station is a part of Bratsbergbanen, and it serves as a junction between Vestfoldbanen and Sørlandsbanen....


Holtsås used to have a train station on the Sørlandsbanen
The Sørland Line is a railway line between Drammen via Kristiansand to Stavanger. The line is 545 km long between Oslo and Stavanger.-History:...

 railway. The Hjuksebø train disaster
Hjuksebø train disaster
The Hjuksebø train disaster was a rail accident on the railway Sørlandsbanen on 15 November 1950 between the stations of Hjuksebø and Holtsås in the Sauherad municipality in Telemark, Norway. With fourteen deaths resulting from the crash, this was Norway's worst railway accident in peacetime until...

 occurred between Hjuksebø and Holtsås on 15 November 1950, and was Norway's worst railway accident in peacetime until the Tretten train disaster
Tretten train disaster
The Tretten train disaster occurred on 22 February 1975 when a northbound train from Oslo and a southbound express train from Trondheim collided head-on north of Tretten station. With 27 killed, including seven children under 16, and 25 injured, it was the worst train crash in Norwegian...

in 1975.
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