Jerusalem: The Three Roads to the Holy Land
Jerusalem: The Three Roads to the Holy Land is a 2002 historical adventure game. The game was developed by Arxel Tribe
Arxel Tribe
Arxel Tribe is an international computer game and multimedia company, founded by Slovene architects Matjaž Požlep and Diego Zanco in 1991. The company is now known as The Arxel Guild.-Games:...

 and Réunion des Musées Nationaux, and published by Cryo Interactive
Cryo Interactive
Cryo Interactive Entertainment is a French video game development and publishing company founded in 1992, but existing unofficially since 1989 as a developer group under the name Cryo...

. It is a sequel to the game Pompei: The Legend of Vesuvius
Pompei: The Legend of Vesuvius
Pompei: The Legend of Vesuvius is a 2000 historical adventure game. The game was developed by Arxel Tribe and Réunion des Musées Nationaux, and published by Cryo Interactive...



When a Scottish cartographer by the name of Adrien Blake returns from an expedition he discovers that his fiancée, Sophia, has disappeared. He must travel to Jerusalem to search for her. The story unfolds in the year 1552.

External links

  • Jerusalem: The Three Roads to the Holy Land at Microïds
    Microïds is a French software brand belonging to Anuman Interactive that publishes and develops video games. In recent years the company's collection of brands and game licenses has grown since being a part of MC2 France...

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