Jerónimo de Carrión
Jerónimo de Carrión was a Spanish baroque composer.

Carrión was born in Segovia and was a choirboy at Segovia Cathedral
Segovia Cathedral
Segovia Cathedral is a Roman Catholic religious building in Segovia, Spain. It is located in the main square of the city, the Plaza Mayor, and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary....

. From 1687 to 1690 he was maestro de capilla in Mondoñedo
Mondoñedo is a small town and municipality in the Galician province of Lugo, Spain. , the town has a population of 4,508. Mondoñedo occupies a sheltered valley among the northern outliers of the Cantabrian Mountains.-History:...

 and then, after a year at Ourense
Ourense is a city in northwestern Spain, the capital of the province of the same name in Galicia. Its population of 108,674 accounts for 30% of the population of the province and makes it the third largest city of Galicia.-Population:...

, from 1692 to his death in 1721 at Segovia Cathedral, taking up the position formerly filled by Miguel de Irízar
Miguel de Irízar
Miguel de Irízar y Domenzain was a Spanish baroque composer.Irízar trained as a choirboy in León and Toledo. In August 1657 he became maestro de capilla in Vitoria, then in August 1671 appointed to Segovia Cathedral where he remained for his remaining thirteen years.The correspondence of Irízar...

 who had died in 1684.


  • 4 masses
  • 28 psalms
  • 7 offices for the dead
  • 6 magnificats
  • 12 lamentations
  • 16 motets
  • more than 500 villancicos.


  • Carrión "Calendas, El Tiempo En Las Catedrales" Tonos al Nacimiento, a La Pasión y al Santísimo. Lamentaciones Del Viernes. Capilla Jerónimo de Carrión dir. Alicia Lázaro. Verso. 2006.

  • Carrión "Ah de los elementos" - Misa de batalla. 7 villancicos on Capilla Jerónimo de Carrión dir. Alicia Lázaro. Verso. 2007.
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