José Castulo Zeledón
José Castulo Zeledón was a Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Costa Rica , officially the Republic of Costa Rica is a multilingual, multiethnic and multicultural country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east....

n ornithologist.

He was the son of Don Manuel Zeledón, governor of the district of San José
San José Province
San José is a province of Costa Rica. It is located in the central part of the country, and borders the provinces of Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, Limón and Puntarenas. The provincial capital is San José. The province covers an area of 4,965.9 km²...

. José became interested in birds at an early age, and learnt about ornithology from the German naturalist and physician Alexander von Frantzius
Alexander von Frantzius
Alexander von Frantzius was a German physician and naturalist.Frantzius collected natural history specimens in Brazil from 1849–1853 and Costa Rica in 1853, many of which he sent to Jean Cabanis at the Berlin Museum. He set up a pharmacy in San José in Costa Rica, employing José Castulo Zeledón as...

, when he was employed at his pharmacy in San José
San José, Costa Rica
San José is the capital and largest city of Costa Rica. Located in the Central Valley, San José is the seat of national government, the focal point of political and economic activity, and the major transportation hub of this Central American nation.Founded in 1738 by order of Cabildo de León, San...

. Zeledon started collecting birds locally, the specimens being sent to Jean Cabanis
Jean Cabanis
Jean Louis Cabanis was a German ornithologist.Cabanis was born in Berlin. He studied at the University of Berlin from 1835 to 1839, and then travelled to North America, returning in 1841 with a large natural history collection. He was assistant and later director of the Berlin University Museum,...

 at the Berlin Museum.

In 1868 Frantzius returned to Germany. En route, he took Zeledon to Washington, where Zeledon met Spencer Fullerton Baird
Spencer Fullerton Baird
Spencer Fullerton Baird was an American ornithologist, ichthyologist and herpetologist. Starting in 1850 he was assistant-secretary and later secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C...

 and became an assistant at the Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution is an educational and research institute and associated museum complex, administered and funded by the government of the United States and by funds from its endowment, contributions, and profits from its retail operations, concessions, licensing activities, and magazines...

. It was here that he began a lifelong friendship with Robert Ridgway. In 1872 Zeledon returned to Costa Rica as zoologist on an expedition led by William More Gabb
William More Gabb
William More Gabb was an American paleontologist.Gabb was born and educated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the leading center of American science at the time. He graduated from Jefferson Grammar School at age thirteen and was admitted to the prestigious Central High School of Philadelphia...

. During this expedition Zeledon made the first collection of birds in Talamanca
Cordillera de Talamanca
The Cordillera de Talamanca is a mountain range that lies on the border between Costa Rica and Panama. Much of the range and the area around it is included in the La Amistad International Park, which also is shared between the two countries....


Zeledon took over the pharmacy set up by Frantzius, and this eventually made him a wealthy man. He continued to collect birds when time allowed, donating his collection to the Costa Rican National Museum when it was founded, mainly due to his own efforts. This collection was Zeledon's main contribution to ornithology, as it contained many new species, although these were often described by others. He was also able to assist other ornithologists who visited Costa Rica during his lifetime.

Zeledon is commemorated in a number of birds, including the Wrenthrush
The Wrenthrush or Zeledonia is a species of New World warbler that is endemic to Costa Rica and western Panama. It has a short tail, rounded wings and elongated tarsi....

, Zeledonia coronata and the White-fronted Tyrannulet, Phyllomyias zeledoni.
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