Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe
The Golden Globe is the first volume in the Junior Jedi Knights
Junior Jedi Knights Series
Junior Jedi Knights is a series of science fiction novels started by Nancy Richardson and completed by Rebecca Moesta, based in the fictional Star Wars universe....

 series by Nancy Richardson. It was written by Rebecca Moesta
Rebecca Moesta
Rebecca Moesta Anderson is the author of several science fiction books. Although born in Germany, Rebecca was born to American parents and raised in Pasadena, California, where she lived until her early twenties. Rebecca graduated with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts from Cal State L.A....

 in 1996.


Anakin Solo's uncle, Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the original film trilogy of the Star Wars franchise, where he is portrayed by Mark Hamill. He is introduced in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, in which he is forced to leave home, and finds himself apprenticed to the Jedi master...

, informed the Solo family that young Anakin, eleven years old, is ready to begin his Jedi
The Jedi are characters in the Star Wars universe and the series's main protagonists. The Jedi use a power called the Force and weapons called lightsabers, which emit a controlled energy flow in the shape of a sword, in order to serve and protect the Republic and the galaxy at large from conflict...

 training. Anakin leaves his homeplanet of Coruscant
Coruscant is a planet in the fictional Star Wars universe. It first appeared onscreen in the 1997 Special Edition of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, but was first mentioned in Timothy Zahn's 1991 novel Heir to the Empire...

 to go to Yavin 4, where the Messeni Jedi Academy resides. There, he feels shy at first, but quickly comes across a bubbly, nine year old girl named Tahiri Veila. Tahiri is talkative and Anakin is quiet, but the two become instant friends.

However, all is not well. Anakin begins to have visions of himself on a raft, going down a big river. He confides in Tahiri that he feels he needs to follow his vision, and see what it means. Tahiri is skeptical, until she too has the vision. The vision grows, showing a storm behind the two of them on the raft, Tahiri falling into the water, and Anakin unable to help her.

Together, they sneak out of the Jedi Academy on students' break. They hitch a raft, and begin their journey. Anakin, who brought R2-D2
R2-D2 , is a character in the Star Wars universe. An astromech droid, R2-D2 is a major character throughout all six Star Wars films. Along with his droid companion C-3PO, he joins or supports Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Obi-Wan Kenobi in various points in the saga...

 with them, listens to his beeps and notices that there is a storm brewing behind them, just like in the vision. There are monthly storms on Yavin and they are very dangerous, so Anakin and Tahiri are determined to reach the shore. Along the way, Tahiri falls into the water just as Anakin predicted. Anakin, terrified, keeps his cool and saves Tahiri with the use of the Force. Tahiri is saved and the two come across a temple, much like the Jedi Academy. They enter and go through a series of puzzles before entering the final room. A sleeping animal awakes, and claims to be a Jedi Master. Ikrit, a Jedi of the Old Republic, informs the two that there was a golden globe in the room and that Massassi children were trapped within it. The children had been trapped a long time ago by a Sith Lord. Master Ikrit had tried to free the poor children years ago, but the children could only be freed by children themselves. With that in mind, Anakin and Tahiri tried to reach within the globe, but find swirling sand, and pain, so much pain that it is unbearable. They sadly tell the Jedi Master that they cannot do the task right yet, but maybe when they grew stronger, they would be able to. Master Ikrit tells them that it is their destiny. They alone were the ones chosen to free these children. They take the furry Jedi Master with them, and head back to the Academy.

They were fearful to discover that it was already midnight, and that people at the Academy were looking for them. Sure enough, when they got back to the Jedi Academy, Luke Skywalker was waiting for them on the front steps, not at all pleased. Tahiri, afraid that Luke would expel them both, takes blame for their outing completely, saying that they had gotten lost and that R2 led them home. This was a lie, and Luke was doubtful but when he asks R2 for confirmation, the droid whirrs back in agreement. So they avoided punishment. They have yet to fulfill their destiny which continues in the next installments in the book series.
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