Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. (II)
Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. is the great-grandson of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States . He is noted for his exuberant personality, range of interests and achievements, and his leadership of the Progressive Movement, as well as his "cowboy" persona and robust masculinity...

, son of Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.
Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.
Kermit "Kim" Roosevelt, Jr. , was a political action officer of the Central Intelligence Agency's Directorate of Plans who coordinated the Operation Ajax, which aimed to orchestrate a coup d’état against Iran's prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq, and return Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran,...

, and the father of Kermit Roosevelt III
Kermit Roosevelt III
Kermit "Kim" Roosevelt III is a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and author of The Myth of Judicial Activism and the D.C. legal thriller In the Shadow of the Law .-Early life:Kim Roosevelt III was born in Washington, D.C...

. He is a Washington counselor-at-law. He serves on one of the advisory boards of Theodore Roosevelt National Bank.
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