Kitty Kántor
Kitty Kántor is a Hungarian actress and voice actress.She contributes to voicing characters in cartoons,anime,movies,sitcoms,and more content.Kántor is well known for voicing Isabella Garcia-Shipiro in the Hungarian language version of the Disney Channel
Disney Channel
Disney Channel is an American basic cable and satellite television network, owned by the Disney-ABC Television Group division of The Walt Disney Company. It is under the direction of Disney-ABC Television Group President Anne Sweeney. The channel's headquarters is located on West Alameda Ave. in...

 original animated series Phineas and Ferb
Phineas and Ferb
Phineas and Ferb is an American animated television comedy series. Originally broadcast as a preview on August 17, 2007, on Disney Channel, the series follows Phineas Flynn and his English stepbrother Ferb Fletcher on summer vacation. Every day the boys embark on some grand new project, which...

.She also voiced Hinata Hyuga in the Jetix
Jetix was a worldwide children's television programming brand owned by The Walt Disney Company. The Jetix brand was used for blocks and channels featuring action-related and adventure-related live-action and animated programming. It was also what Disney eventually turned Fox Kids into...

 edition of the anime series Naruto
is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of...


Kántor is also known for dubbing over many actresses such as Evanna Lynch
Evanna Lynch
Evanna Patricia Lynch is an Irish actress who rose to prominence playing Luna Lovegood, a supporting role in the Harry Potter film series adapted from the book series of the same name. Lynch was cast as Luna at the age of 14, having previously acted only in school plays...

, Allisyn Ashley Arm
Allisyn Ashley Arm
- External links :* on Twitter* on Youtube...

, Dakota Fanning
Dakota Fanning
Hannah Dakota Fanning , better known as Dakota Fanning, is an American actress. Fanning's breakthrough performance was in I Am Sam in 2001. As a child actress, she appeared in high-profile films such as Man on Fire, War of the Worlds, and Charlotte's Web...

, Abigail Breslin
Abigail Breslin
Abigail Kathleen Breslin is an American teen actress. She is one of the youngest actresses ever to be nominated for an Academy Award....

,and other famous actresses.

Currently,she works at SDI Media Hungary
SDI Media Hungary
SDI Media Hungary is one of SDI Media Group's international divisions.The comany is based in Budapest,the capital of Hungary.The company commissions dubbed or subtitled versions of content for TV channels and film distributors.The company is also referred in the credits in its dubs as SDI Sun...

, Mafilm Audio,and other dubbing studios located in Budapest.


  • Emma in The Collector
    The Collector (TV series)
    The Collector is a Canadian Supernatural drama television series about a man attempting to help save people who have bargained their souls with the Devil...

  • Nóra Balogh (young) in Barátok közt
  • Tímea in Szörnyek ebédje
  • and other roles


  • Isabella Garcia-Shipiro in Phineas and Ferb
    Phineas and Ferb
    Phineas and Ferb is an American animated television comedy series. Originally broadcast as a preview on August 17, 2007, on Disney Channel, the series follows Phineas Flynn and his English stepbrother Ferb Fletcher on summer vacation. Every day the boys embark on some grand new project, which...

  • Kirari Tsukishima in Kilari
    Kirarin Revolution
    is a Japanese shōjo manga by An Nakahara. The series' title is the supposed name of Kirari's debut single. As of August 2007, it runs in the shōjo magazine Ciao published by Shogakukan...

  • Numbuh 3 in Codename: Kids Next Door
    Codename: Kids Next Door
    Codename: Kids Next Door, also known as Kids Next Door or by its acronym KND, is an American animated television series created by Tom Warburton and produced by Curious Pictures in Santa Monica, California.. The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 6, 2002 and aired its final episode on...

  • Rin in InuYasha
    , also known as , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. It premiered in Weekly Shōnen Sunday on November 13, 1996 and concluded on June 18, 2008...

  • Hinata Hyuga in Naruto
    is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of...

    Jetix was a worldwide children's television programming brand owned by The Walt Disney Company. The Jetix brand was used for blocks and channels featuring action-related and adventure-related live-action and animated programming. It was also what Disney eventually turned Fox Kids into...

  • Jaarin Lee in Digimon Tamers
    Digimon Tamers
    is the third animated series based on the Japanese Digimon franchise, first broadcast in 2001 on Fuji TV in Japan and on Fox Kids in the United States. The story takes place initially in a "alternative" universe, on a world much like Earth where Digimon is just a franchise, composed of video games,...

  • Young Yuki in Vampire Knight
    Vampire Knight
    is a shōjo manga and anime series written by Matsuri Hino. The series premiered in the January 2005 issue of LaLa magazine and is still on-going. Chapters are collected and published in collected volumes by Hakusensha, with eleven volumes currently released in Japan. The manga series is licensed in...

  • Yoko Okino in Case Closed
    Case Closed
    Case Closed, known as in Japan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. The series is serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday since February 2, 1994, and has been collected in 73 tankōbon volumes as of September 2011...

  • Pearl in Finding Nemo
    Finding Nemo
    Finding Nemo is a 2003 American comi-drama animated film written by Andrew Stanton, directed by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich and produced by Pixar. It tells the story of the overly protective clownfish Marlin who, along with a regal tang called Dory , searches for his abducted son Nemo...

  • Chicken 2 in The Ugly Duckling and Me!
    The Ugly Duckling and Me!
    The Ugly Duckling and me is an animated movie produced in 2006 which won an award at the China International Cartoon and Digital Art Festival. Intended for a family audience, it is a modern adaptation of The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen. It was directed by Michael Hegner and Karsten...

  • Marlene in Pinocchio 3000
    Pinocchio 3000
    Pinocchio 3000 is a 2004 Canadian computer-animated film by Christal Films. Like A.I. Artificial Intelligence, it is a futuristic science fiction interpretation of the classic tale The Adventures of Pinocchio where Pinocchio is a robot brought to life by tapping into a city's power surge, rather...

  • and more

Live action

  • Angela Ashford in Resident Evil: Apocalypse
    Resident Evil: Apocalypse
    Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a Canadian-British 2004 science fiction action horror film directed by Alexander Witt, from a screenplay written by producer Paul W.S. Anderson...

  • Sarah Davis in Raising Helen
    Raising Helen
    Raising Helen is a 2004 American comedy-drama film directed by Garry Marshall and written by Jack Amiel and Michael Begler. It stars Kate Hudson, John Corbett, Joan Cusack, Hayden Panettiere, Spencer and his sister Abigail Breslin and Helen Mirren...

  • Zora Lancaster in Sonny with a Chance
    Sonny With a Chance
    Sonny with a Chance is an American children's sitcom which aired on Disney Channel, created by Steve Marmel, that follows the experiences of teenager Sonny Munroe, portrayed by Demi Lovato, who becomes the newest accepted cast member of her favorite live comedy show, So Random!.The series debuted...

  • Max in The Suite Life of Zach & Cody
  • Bridgette Dubois in Medium
    Medium (TV series)
    Medium is an American television drama series that premiered on NBC on January 3, 2005, and ended on CBS on January 21, 2011. Themed on supernatural gifts, its lead character, Allison DuBois , is a medium employed as a consultant for the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney's office...

  • Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter
    Harry Potter (film series)
    The Harry Potter film series is a British-American film series based on the Harry Potter novels by the British author J. K. Rowling...

  • Violet Beauregarde in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)
    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 film adaptation of the 1964 book of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film was directed by Tim Burton. The film stars Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket and Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka...

  • Keegan in Holiday in the Sun
  • Olivia Kendall in The Cosby Show
    The Cosby Show
    The Cosby Show is an American television situation comedy starring Bill Cosby, which aired for eight seasons on NBC from September 20, 1984 until April 30, 1992...

  • Heidi Phillips in Grace Is Gone
    Grace Is Gone
    Grace Is Gone is a 2007 drama film starring John Cusack as a father who does not want to tell his two daughters that their mother has died while serving in Iraq...

  • and a lot more

External links

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