. After establishing a career as a writer, becoming best known for his science fiction
and fantasy
stories, he developed a self-help
system called Dianetics
which was first published in May 1950.
God was feeling sardonic the day He created the Universe. So it's rather up to at least one man every few centuries to pop up and come just as close to making him swallow his laughter as possible.
Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns.
You are only three or four hours from taking your glasses off for keeps.
THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.
This is useful knowledge. With it the blind again see, the lame walk, the ill recover, the insane become sane and the sane become saner. By its use the thousand abilities Man has sought to recover become his once more.