Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter
Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter is a graphic novel
Graphic novel
A graphic novel is a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the reader using sequential art in either an experimental design or in a traditional comics format...

 series by Daniel LuVisi. The series, set 600 years in the future, concerns a covert operations soldier
A soldier is a member of the land component of national armed forces; whereas a soldier hired for service in a foreign army would be termed a mercenary...

 named Gabriel, formerly employed by a paramilitary organization named Armtech.

Graphic Novel Release

The first volume in the series was published on 29 September 2010 in both hardcover
A hardcover, hardback or hardbound is a book bound with rigid protective covers...

 and softcover variants. It introduces the main character and his allies and enemies, setting the scene for a plot projected to develop over at least two further books. The next volume in the series, titled LMS: Once Upon A Time In America, currently has no release date.


At San Diego Comic Con 2010, Paramount
Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures Corporation is an American film production and distribution company, located at 5555 Melrose Avenue in Hollywood. Founded in 1912 and currently owned by media conglomerate Viacom, it is America's oldest existing film studio; it is also the last major film studio still...

acquired the film rights for the series.
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