Live at the Pyramid N.Y.C. 11-3-88
Live At The Pyramid N.Y.C. 11-3-88 is a live double cassette album by Psychic TV
Psychic TV
Psychic TV or PTV, is a video art and music group that primarily performs psychedelic, punk, electronic and experimental music...

, although on this release the band is credited to "Psychick-TV". The release was limited to an edition of 100 numbered copies.


  • Drums - Matthew Best
  • Guitar, Sampler programming - Fred Giannelli
    Fred Giannelli
    Fred Giannelli is an electronic musician born 1960 in Lowell, Massachusetts. He began experimenting with electronics in the late 1970s as Turning Shrines. In 1984, Giannelli met Psychic TV's Genesis P. Orridge while the group was in Boston for a gig. This led to Giannelli eventually flying to...

  • Keyboards - Daniel Black
  • Tape, Vocals - Paula P-Orridge
    Paula P-Orridge
    Paula P-Orridge , also known as Alaura O'Dell, is an English musician.P-Orridge's musical career began in 1979 when she met musician and artist Genesis P-Orridge while working at a Tesco supermarket in Hackney, East London.Prior to meeting Genesis she had had some connection to the Industrial...

  • Vocals, Bass, Violin - Genesis P-Orridge
    Genesis P-Orridge
    Genesis Breyer P-Orridge is an English singer-songwriter, musician, writer and artist. P-Orridge's early confrontational performance work in COUM Transmissions in the late 1960s and early 1970s along with the industrial band Throbbing Gristle, which dealt with subjects such as prostitution,...

Cassette "I"

Side A
  1. "Paula Tapes"
  2. "What Goes On"
  3. "Love War Riot"
  4. "Your Body"
  5. "Pain"

Side B
  1. "Pain Ctd."
  2. "Joy"
  3. "Megadread"
  4. "(Water)"
  5. "Candy Says"
  6. "Arcadia"

Cassette "II"

Side A
  1. "Arcadia Ctd."
  2. "R U Experienced?"
  3. "Sandoz Tabman"

Side B
  1. "Blue Pyramid"
  2. "Being Lost"

Produced by Fred Giannelli
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