Louise Zoé Coste
Louise Zoé Coste or Louise Zoé Meynier (1805-?) was a French painter. She was the daughter of the painter Jean-Baptiste Coste
Jean-Baptiste Coste
Jean-Baptiste Coste was a French painter and friend of Jacques-Louis David. His children included the painter Louise Zoé Coste.- Bibliography :* Principes élémentaires de lavis et d'aquarelles Jean-Baptiste Coste (1777–1809) was a French painter and friend of Jacques-Louis David. His children...

 and a student of Jean-Baptiste Regnault
Jean-Baptiste Regnault
Jean-Baptiste Regnault was a French painter.Regnault was born in Paris, and began life at sea in a merchant vessel. At the age of fifteen his talent attracted attention, and he was sent to Italy by M. de Monval under the care of Bardin...

. She mainly worked in Nantes
Nantes is a city in western France, located on the Loire River, from the Atlantic coast. The city is the 6th largest in France, while its metropolitan area ranks 8th with over 800,000 inhabitants....

 and exhibited at the Paris Salon
Paris Salon
The Salon , or rarely Paris Salon , beginning in 1725 was the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France. Between 1748–1890 it was the greatest annual or biannual art event in the Western world...

 from 1831 to 1861.

Known works

  • Young man meditating by a tree, 1881
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