Lundagård may refer to:
  • Lundagård (park)
    Lundagård (park)
    Lundagård is a park located in Lund, Sweden. It is situated between the Lund University main building in the North, and Lund Cathedral in the South with Kungshuset in between. The park was for a long time a walled garden separating "town" from "gown". Today, the one remaining gates, is the...

    , a park in central Lund
    -Main sights:During the 12th and 13th centuries, when the town was the seat of the archbishop, many churches and monasteries were built. At its peak, Lund had 27 churches, but most of them were demolished as result of the Reformation in 1536. Several medieval buildings remain, including Lund...

    , Sweden
    Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

  • Lundagård (newspaper)
    Lundagård (newspaper)
    Lundagård is a student newspaper published by the Lund University Student Union . Lundagård was first published in 1920 and is the oldest student newspaper still in circulation in Sweden...

    , the oldest Swedish student newspaper
    Student newspaper
    A student newspaper is a newspaper run by students of a university, high school, middle school, or other school. These papers traditionally cover local and, primarily, school or university news....

    still in circulation, published by the Lund University Student Union (LUS)
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