Maliyadeva Girls' College
Maliyadeva Girls' College is a national Buddhist school in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a country off the southern coast of the Indian subcontinent. Known until 1972 as Ceylon , Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait, and lies in the vicinity of India and the...

situated in Kurunegala. Today it accommodates over 4000 students.


Founded on July 1, 1946, Maliyadeva Girls' College at the beginning was formed only by two teachers, 69 students, guided by Mrs C E V Fernando as the acting principal. The school's strong bond with Maliyadeva College cannot be regarded slightly.

Maliyadeva College, which began in 1888, in Bodhiraja Mawatha, was developed as an affiliated academic institute to Athkanda Vihara and was also known as, "English Buddhist High School". This can also be considered as the beginning of Maliyadeva Balika as well.

In 1928, Maliyadeva College shifted to its present location in Negombo road. Mr Godphry Madawala was the owner of that land then. The main building was built in 1938 with the support of Sir John Kothalawala, the senate member of Kurunegala at that time. In 1941, Maliyadeva College was registered as a mixed school for there wasn't a buddhist girls school in Kurunegala.

The land in Colombo road, which Maliyadeva Girls' College is situated today was purchased in 1943 by Sir John Kothalawala, president of YMBA Kurunegala and it was owned by YMBA. It was decided to transfer the ownership of this land to government in order to build Maliyadeva BGirls' College, at the annual meeting of YMBA. After this Maliyadeva Girls' College was born on July 1, 1946, with only 69 students and under the guidance of Mrs C E V Fernando. But then, its primary sections was opened to both girls and boys.

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