Mihály Cseszneky
Count Mihály Cseszneky de Milvány et Csesznek was a Hungarian nobleman and border castle hero in 16th century. Member of the Cseszneky family.

Mihály Cseszneky was appointed chief-lieutenant to the Castle of Várpalota
Várpalota is a town in Western Hungary, in the Transdanubian county of Veszprém. It was a mining town during the Socialist era, but the mines have been closed...

 in 1559, after he and Balázs Baranyai had liberated several villages under Ottoman occupation
Ottoman Hungary
History of Ottoman Hungary refers to the history of parts of the Ottoman Empire situated in what today is Hungary, in the period from 1541 to 1699.-History:...

 in the southern part of Veszprém
Veszprém (former county)
Veszprém was the name of a historic administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory, which was smaller than that of present Veszprém county, in western Hungary. The capital of the county was Veszprém.-Geography:...

 and Fejér
Fejér (former county)
Fejér is the name of a historic administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory, which was slightly smaller than that of present Fejér county, is presently in central Hungary...

 counties. For his merits King Ferdinand I donated him Bakonynána
Bakonynána is a village in Veszprém county, Hungary.In 1559 it was property of Mihály Cseszneky.-References:* Szíj Rezső: Várpalota* Fejér megyei történeti évkönyv* Hofkammerarchiv Wien*...

, Dudar
Dudar is a village in Veszprém county, Hungary.In 1559 it was property of Mihály Cseszneky.-Sources:* Szíj Rezső: Várpalota* Fejér megyei történeti évkönyv* Hofkammerarchiv Wien* - External links :*...

, Káloz
Káloz is a village in Fejér county, Hungary.In 1559 it was property of Mihály Cseszneky and Balázs Baranyai.-Sources:* Szíj Rezső: Várpalota* Fejér megyei történeti évkönyv* Hofkammerarchiv Wien* - External links :*...

, Láng
Kisláng is a village in Fejér county, Hungary.In 1559 Láng was property of Mihály Cseszneky and Balázs Baranyai.-Sources:* Szíj Rezső: Várpalota* Fejér megyei történeti évkönyv* Hofkammerarchiv Wien* - External links :*...

, Aba
Aba, Hungary
Aba is a village in Fejér county, Hungary.In 1559 it was property of Mihály Cseszneky and Balázs Baranyai.-Sources:* Szíj Rezső: Várpalota* Fejér megyei történeti évkönyv* Hofkammerarchiv Wien*...

 and Felegres villages.

Being the right-hand of castellan György Thury, in 1566 he played an important role in the defense of the Castle of Várpalota with 450-500 Hungarian warriors against the 7000-8000 Turkish soldiers of Arslan, Pasha
Pasha or pascha, formerly bashaw, was a high rank in the Ottoman Empire political system, typically granted to governors, generals and dignitaries. As an honorary title, Pasha, in one of its various ranks, is equivalent to the British title of Lord, and was also one of the highest titles in...

 of Buda
For detailed information see: History of Buda CastleBuda is the western part of the Hungarian capital Budapest on the west bank of the Danube. The name Buda takes its name from the name of Bleda the Hun ruler, whose name is also Buda in Hungarian.Buda comprises about one-third of Budapest's...

. Under the leadership of castellan Thury and chief-lieutenant Cseszneky the defenders successfully withstood the siege until Count Salm's relief troops arrived from Győr
-Climate:-Main sights:The ancient core of the city is Káptalan Hill at the confluence of three rivers: the Danube, Rába and Rábca. Püspökvár, the residence of Győr’s bishops can be easily recognised by its incomplete tower. Győr’s oldest buildings are the 13th-century dwelling tower and the...

. Then the warriors of Várpalota helped Salm to reconquer Veszprém
Veszprém is one of the oldest urban areas in Hungary, and a city with county rights. It lies approximately north of the Lake Balaton. It is the administrative center of the county of the same name.-Location:...

 and Tata
Tata, Hungary
Tata is a town in north-western Hungary, Komárom-Esztergom county, northwest from county seat Tatabánya.-Location:Tata is located in the valley between the Gerecse and Vértes Mountains, some from the Budapest, the capital. By the virtue of its location, the city is a railway and road junction...


Despite being acknowledged as a hero, Count Cseszneky received not enough money from the royal treasury for the maintenance of the castle of Várpalota, thus he was compelled to raise funds by making forays against the Ottomans, and sometimes holding the local people to ransom. In 1588 the villagers of the region complained to Ferenc Nádasdy, the "Black Beg" about Cseszneky. Nevertheless, his behavior was not exceptional at that time, and there was no other means to manage the defense of the castle and the peasants against the Turkish attacks.


  • Istvánffy Miklós: Historiarum de rebus Ungaricis
  • Szíj Rezső: Várpalota
  • Fejér megyei történeti évkönyv
  • Hofkammerarchiv Wien
  • Dudar története
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