Mr. Lucky and the Gamblers
Mr. Lucky and the Gamblers (1964 – 1967) was a garage rock
Garage rock
Garage rock is a raw form of rock and roll that was first popular in the United States and Canada from about 1963 to 1967. During the 1960s, it was not recognized as a separate music genre and had no specific name...

 band that originated in Newport, Oregon
Newport, Oregon
Newport is a city in Lincoln County, Oregon, United States. It was incorporated in 1882, though the name dates back to the establishment of a post office in 1868...

, United States.

They were one of the most popular groups in the Pacific Northwest
Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is a region in northwestern North America, bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and, loosely, by the Rocky Mountains on the east. Definitions of the region vary and there is no commonly agreed upon boundary, even among Pacific Northwesterners. A common concept of the...

, with fans throughout Oregon
Oregon is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is located on the Pacific coast, with Washington to the north, California to the south, Nevada on the southeast and Idaho to the east. The Columbia and Snake rivers delineate much of Oregon's northern and eastern...

, Washington, Idaho
Idaho is a state in the Rocky Mountain area of the United States. The state's largest city and capital is Boise. Residents are called "Idahoans". Idaho was admitted to the Union on July 3, 1890, as the 43rd state....

, Northern California
Northern California
Northern California is the northern portion of the U.S. state of California. The San Francisco Bay Area , and Sacramento as well as its metropolitan area are the main population centers...

 and Western Canada
Western Canada
Western Canada, also referred to as the Western provinces and commonly as the West, is a region of Canada that includes the four provinces west of the province of Ontario.- Provinces :...

. Their popularity was due to their hard-driving sound and by the success of several recordings. "Take A Look At Me", which received considerable air time on local radio stations, was their most notable contribution.

In the decades to follow, "Take A Look At Me", "I Told You Once Before", "Alice Designs" and "You Don't Need Me", have appeared on at least a dozen compilation CDs that are still available on the market, such as Highs in the Mid-Sixties, Volume 7
Highs in the Mid-Sixties, Volume 7
Highs in the Mid-Sixties, Volume 7 is a compilation album in the Highs in the Mid-Sixties series, featuring recordings that were released in Washington and Oregon...

. Their songs still appear on radio station play lists and a following has even migrated to clubs and radio stations in Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

 in recent years.

In the summer of 2001, the band reunited for a one-time performance at the annual Seymour picnic at Oaks Amusement Park
Oaks Amusement Park
Oaks Park is a small amusement park located south of downtown Portland, Oregon USA, near the Sellwood Bridge. The park includes midway games, about two dozen rides that operate seasonally, a skating rink that is open all-year, and picnic grounds.- Rides :...

 in Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Portland is a city located in the Pacific Northwest, near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia rivers in the U.S. state of Oregon. As of the 2010 Census, it had a population of 583,776, making it the 29th most populous city in the United States...

. All of the core members are still alive and well, although only a couple of them are still active as performing musicians.

Member list

  • Jim Dunlap: Vocals
  • Bud Garrison: Bass
  • Jim Graziano: Drums
  • Alan Gunter: Guitar
  • Jeff Hawks: Vocals
  • Dave Maitland: Guitar
  • Mike Parker: Keyboards
  • Gregg Perry: Keyboards
  • Denny Randall: Saxophone
  • Willy Reinen: Guitar
  • Norm Smith: Drums
  • Carl Wilson: Guitar

  • Len Hansen: Manager

External links

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