, Portugal
, is a ceramics museum
. It shows a permanent exhibition in its 19th century, romantic style, manor house surrounded by gardens, that consists of ceramics of different ages and styles.
The Quinta, or Estate, was built in the 1890s by the 2nd Visconde de Sacavém, José Joaquim Pinto da Silva, a collector, ceramicist and important patron of ceramicists in Caldas da Rainha.
A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example, show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, "plate," or "shrimp," or "plate o' shrimp" out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconsciousness.
The more you drive, the less intelligent you are.
It's a beautiful night... You can almost see the stars.
Sy Richardson - Lite, Repo man
Tom Finnegan - Oly, Repo man