Musée du Parfum
The Musée du Parfum, also known as the Fragonard Musée du Parfum, is a private museum of perfume
Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils and/or aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body, animals, objects, and living spaces "a pleasant scent"...

 located in the 9th arrondissement at 9 rue Scribe, Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

. It is open daily; admission is free. The museum is located near the western side of Opéra Garnier.

The museum was created in 1983 by the Fragonard perfume company within a Napoleon III
Napoleon III of France
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte was the President of the French Second Republic and as Napoleon III, the ruler of the Second French Empire. He was the nephew and heir of Napoleon I, christened as Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte...

 town-house (built 1860). Its rooms contain period furnishings and perfume exhibits, including antique perfume bottles, containers, toiletry sets, still
A still is a permanent apparatus used to distill miscible or immiscible liquid mixtures by heating to selectively boil and then cooling to condense the vapor...

s for steam distillation of perfume extracts, etc. Displays show how perfumes are made today, and present the history of perfume manufacturing and packaging. Of particular interest is an orgue à parfum (perfume organ) with tiers of ingredient bottles arranged around a balance used to mix fragrances.

See also

  • Théâtre-Musée des Capucines
    Théâtre-Musée des Capucines
    The Théâtre-Musée des Capucines, also known as the Théâtre musée des Capucines-Fragonard, is a private museum dedicated to perfume, and located in the IIe arrondissement at 39, boulevard des Capucines, Paris, France...

    , another Fragonard perfume museum in Paris
  • List of museums in Paris
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