Musée national Gustave Moreau
The Musée national Gustave Moreau is an art museum dedicated to the works of Symbolist painter Gustave Moreau
Gustave Moreau
Gustave Moreau was a French Symbolist painter whose main emphasis was the illustration of biblical and mythological figures. As a painter of literary ideas, Moreau appealed to the imaginations of some Symbolist writers and artists.- Biography :Moreau was born in Paris. His father, Louis Jean Marie...

 (1826-1898). It is located in the IXe arrondissement
IXe arrondissement
The 9th arrondissement , located on the Right Bank, is one of the 20 arrondissements of Paris, France. It contains many places of cultural, historical, and architectural interest, including the Palais Garnier, home to the Paris Opera, Boulevard Haussmann and its large department stores of Galeries...

 at 14, rue de la Rochefoucauld, Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


The museum was originally Moreau's dwelling, transformed by his 1895 decision into a studio and museum of his work with his apartment remaining on the first floor. Today the museum contains Moreau's drawings, paintings, watercolors, and sculptures.


The nearest métro stations are Saint-Georges
Saint-Georges (Paris Metro)
Saint-Georges is a station on Line 12 of the Paris Métro in the 9th arrondissement.The station opened on 8 April 1911 as part of the extension of the Nord-Sud company's line A from Notre-Dame-de-Lorette to Pigalle. On 27 March 1931 line A became line 12 of the Métro...

 and Trinité – d'Estienne d'Orves. The Museum is open daily except Tuesday; an admission fee (€7.5 as of May 2010) is charged.
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