Naïve empiricism
Naïve empiricism is a term used in several ways in different fields.

In the philosophy of science
Philosophy of science
The philosophy of science is concerned with the assumptions, foundations, methods and implications of science. It is also concerned with the use and merit of science and sometimes overlaps metaphysics and epistemology by exploring whether scientific results are actually a study of truth...

, it is used by opponents to describe the position, associated with some logical positivists, that "immediate sense experience is by itself sufficient to provide the foundations for knowledge".

The term also is used to describe a particular methodology for literary analysis.

See also:
Empiricism is a theory of knowledge that asserts that knowledge comes only or primarily via sensory experience. One of several views of epistemology, the study of human knowledge, along with rationalism, idealism and historicism, empiricism emphasizes the role of experience and evidence,...

Falsifiability or refutability of an assertion, hypothesis or theory is the logical possibility that it can be contradicted by an observation or the outcome of a physical experiment...

 (especially, "Naïve falsification")
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