Nepenthes 'LeeAnn Marie'
Nepenthes 'LeeAnn Marie' is a cultivar
A cultivar'Cultivar has two meanings as explained under Formal definition. When used in reference to a taxon, the word does not apply to an individual plant but to all those plants sharing the unique characteristics that define the cultivar. is a plant or group of plants selected for desirable...

 of a manmade hybrid involving N. alata
Nepenthes alata
Nepenthes alata is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to the Philippines. It is found on all the major islands of the archipelago, with the possible exception of Palawan. It is one of the easiest and most popular Nepenthes species in cultivation....

 and N. ventricosa
Nepenthes ventricosa
Nepenthes ventricosa is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to the Philippines, where it is a highland species, growing at an elevation of 1000–2000 m above sea level. It has been recorded from the islands of Luzon, Panay, and Sibuyan...

. It was bred by Bruce Lee Bednar in 1982. This cultivar name is not established as it was published without a description, violating Article 24.1 of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
The International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants regulates the names of cultigens...

. It is a later synonym of N. × ventrata
Nepenthes × ventrata
Nepenthes × ventrata is a natural hybrid involving N. alata and N. ventricosa. Like its two parent species, it is endemic to the Philippines. The name was originally published in the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter in 1979....

 and first appeared in print in the March 1994 issue of the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
The Carnivorous Plant Newsletter is the official publication of the International Carnivorous Plant Society , the largest such organization in the world.-History and editorship:...

as "x “LeeAnn Marie”". Bednar and Bramblett listed its parentage as "ventricosa (green form) x ventrata G".

External links

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