Nouveau Larousse illustré
The Nouveau Larousse illustré (New Larousse Illustrated) was an illustrated French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 language encyclopedia
An encyclopedia is a type of reference work, a compendium holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge....

 published by Larousse
Éditions Larousse
Éditions Larousse is a French publishing house specialising in reference works such as dictionaries. It was founded by Pierre Larousse and its best-known work is the Petit Larousse.It was acquired by Vivendi Universal in 1998...

 between 1897-1904, in 7 volumes and a supplement. It was essentially a scaled-down version of the "Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle" (Great universal dictionary of the 19th century) of Pierre Larousse
Pierre Larousse
Pierre Athanase Larousse was a French grammarian, lexicographer and encyclopaedist. He published many of the outstanding educational and reference works of 19th-century France, including the 15 volume Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle.-Early life:Pierre Larousse was born in Toucy, where...

, but updated and written in a more neutral, scientific style under the editorship of Claude Augé (1854-1924).

The encyclopedia consisted of 7,600 pages containing 237,000 articles, with 49,000 b/w illustrations, over 500 maps and 89 colour plates.

External links

Nouveau Larousse illustré (1897-1904)
Volume From To
Volume 1 A Bello
Volume 2 Bem Ch
Volume 3 Ci D
Volume 4 E G
Volume 5 H Meld
Volume 6 Mele Po
Volume 7 Pr Z
Supplement A Z
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