Observatoire National de la Pauvreté et de l'Exclusion Sociale
The Observatoire National de la Pauvreté et de l'Exclusion Sociale (ONPES) is an agency of the French government. It aims at assessing poverty and exclusion in France.
(CAF), as well as seven researchers or academics, and seven more qualified people. They produce an annual report for the Prime Minister
The Observatoire National de la Pauvreté et de l'Exclusion Sociale was created in 1998. It comprises 22 members, with oversight by a president every three years. The current president is Agnès de Fleurieu. Members are representatives of the Conseil National des Politiques de Lutte contre l’Exclusion (CNLE), the Direction de la Recherche, des Etudes, de l’Evaluation et des Statistiques (DREES), the Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), the Centre d’Analyse Stratégique (CAS), the Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche et des Etudes Statistiques (DARES), the Direction Générale du Trésor et de la Politique Economique (DGTPE), the Caisse nationale des Allocations FamilialesCaisse d'allocations familiales
Family allocations make up the family-oriented sector of the French social security system, through a network known as the Caisse nationale des allocations familiales and the 123 Caisse d'allocations familiales .The institution serves more than 10 million beneficiaries.-The...
(CAF), as well as seven researchers or academics, and seven more qualified people. They produce an annual report for the Prime Minister
Prime Minister of France
The Prime Minister of France in the Fifth Republic is the head of government and of the Council of Ministers of France. The head of state is the President of the French Republic...