Patrick Côté (biathlon)
Partick Côté is a Canadian biathlete.

Patrick's first race was in the winter of 2000 and in 2002 he moved to Quebec City to join the 2010 training squad (Biathlon Canada Identification Program). Patrick is now a member of the Canadian National Team for men's biathlon
Biathlon is a term used to describe any sporting event made up of two disciplines. However, biathlon usually refers specifically to the winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting...


His career highlights include finishing 11th in the men's 10 km sprint at the IBU
International Biathlon Union
The International Biathlon Union, IBU, is the international governing body of biathlon. Its headquarters are in Salzburg, Austria.- History :The International Biathlon Union was founded on 2 July 1993...

 cup in Martell-Val Martello, Italy on Friday December 19, 2008.

At the 2008-2009 Biathlon World Cup
Biathlon World Cup
The Biathlon World Cup has been held since the winter seasons of 1977/78 and 1982/83, for men and women, respectively ....

(World Cup 1), Patrick finished 64th, a career highligh that also includes 4 World Cup starts and an olympic criteria performance.

External links

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