Pierre-François Brice
Pierre-François Brice was a French artist who spent most of his career in what is now Belgium.


Brice was born at Saint-Venant
Saint-Venant is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.-Geography:Saint-Venant is situated some northwest of Béthune and west of Lille, at the junction of the D186 and D916 roads and by the banks of the Lys River.-Population:-Places of interest:* The...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

. Around 1735 he established himself in Brussels, then capital of the Austrian Netherlands, to devote himself to painting. He was received into the city's Corporation of Painters as a master during 1743-1744. He became painter-decorator to the court of Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine
Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine
Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine was a Lorraine-born Austrian soldier.-Background:Charles was the son of Leopold Joseph, Duke of Lorraine and Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans...

 and painted several interior schemes in his Brussels palace, such as those "paysages chinois
Chinoiserie, a French term, signifying "Chinese-esque", and pronounced ) refers to a recurring theme in European artistic styles since the seventeenth century, which reflect Chinese artistic influences...

" mentioned in the archives. He died in Brussels.

Pierre-François Brice was the father of the painter and engraver Antoine Brice
Antoine Brice
Antoine Brice was a Belgian painter.- Life :Antoine Brice was the son of the painter Pierre-François Brice, working in the entourage of Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine, and his own son Ignace also became a painter...

 (1752-1817) and the grandfather of Ignace Brice
Ignace Brice
Ignace Brice was a Belgian painter.-Family, marriage and issue:His father Antoine and his paternal grandfather Pierre-François were both also painters...

 (1795-1866), the "David bruxellois".
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